Speaking to MaltaDaily, Arnold Sciberras a.k.a The Exterminator explained that ants can present a problem to both the economic and residential sectors.
‘However, we cannot lump everything together’, explained Arnold.

With over 50 species of ants in Malta, forming part of the Hymenoptera family, they include species such as bees and hornets, with six to seven species presenting the biggest problems.
However, all the other species are beneficial.
Responding to further questions, some of the small black ants can present problems to gardens, pavements (as they tunnel through), food in the kitchen (contaminating it with their odours) or even to old Maltese homes.
Most species emerge at different times of the year, with those emerging during the summer period presenting problems in the hospitality sector – invading pools, kitchens and tiles.
These issues can be addressed by professionals, such as those offered by The Exterminator.