Animal Liberation Malta organised a protest march in Valletta to ban karozzini, horse-drawn carriages that are primarily used for tourist attractions. The activists marched from The Mall Floriana to Castille Square, chanting slogans like “You ride – they die”.
Animal Liberation Malta opposes karozzini because they believe that there is no need for them in a fully motorised world. Cities around the world, including Montreal, Barcelona, Prague, Melbourne, Chicago, Salt Lake City, and Palma de Mallorca, have already banned horse-drawn carriages. Palma de Mallorca has announced a ban that will come into effect in 2024 and intends to replace all horse-drawn carriages with electric carriages.
Animal Liberation Malta proposes that Transport Malta should issue a special grant for cabby drivers to switch to electric carriages, and no new licenses for cabby drivers should be issued. Existing horses will be allowed to continue working, but upon retirement, cabby owners should switch to electric options. Animal Liberation Malta also suggests that all other horse-drawn carriages, including horse-drawn hearses, should be banned.