
Animal Protection Society calls for caution during hot summer months

Animal Protection Society calls for caution during hot summer months
Jun 29 2021 Share

The MSPCA has issued a warning on social media, advising pet-owners to remain cautious of the heatwave’s implications on such animals and also posted a number of tips.

As summer is upon us, we must take some time to think about our four legged, furry companions and how we can keep them…

Posted by MSPCA – formerly SPCA Malta on Monday, 28 June 2021

The Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals advised that dogs and cats “only have sweat glands on the pads of their feet” and rely on panting to regulate body temperature, warning of potential heat stroke if the tips they posted are not followed.

Amongst other tips, the MSPCA called for everyone to avoid walking dogs during midday sun, access to shaded areas for pets, assurance of plenty of drinking water and application of sun cream to white-coated pets, amongst others.


“The World’s Highest Hotel” opens in Shanghai

Jun 29 2021 Share

The J Hotel Shangai Tower has opened up in China and stated its nature as ‘the highest hotel in the world’, occupying the top floors of the 632-metre Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China.

The luxurious hotel boasts 165 gorgeous rooms which provide 24/7 butler service, an indoor swimming pool, luxury spa and toiletries from luxury brands Hermes and Diptyque, amongst other amenities.

The J Hotel’s most expensive suite is a 380 square meter marvel which includes a parlour, study, kitchen, physiotherapy area, the exact price of which was not provided when asked by CNN Travel.

Despite claiming its title as the world’s highest, the title of such an establishment may only apply to buildings which are use solely as hotels, unlike the J Hotel which is only a fraction of China’s massive Shanghai tower.


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Maltese food prices 12.2% higher than EU average in 2020

Maltese food prices 12.2% higher than EU average in 2020
Jun 29 2021 Share

Figures released by Eurostat have shown that food prices in Malta were 12.2% higher than the average price in the European Union in 2020.

The highest food prices in the EU belonged to Denmark, which were 28.9% higher than the average, with Romania having the lowest with 34.7% lower than the European Average.

In comparison with separate statistics also published by Eurostat, Malta registered far cheaper housing costs, referring to rentals, maintenance, water, electricity, gas and others, with housing costs being 40.1% lower than the European Average, with prices for restaurants and hotels in Malta being 11.5% lower than the average.


Sexual offence amendments, bestiality laws & other major changes in law shakeup

Sexual offence amendments, bestiality laws & other major changes in law shakeup
Jun 29 2021 Share

In a recent press conference addressed by Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis and Minister for Social Justice Micael Falzon, certain amendments to Malta’s current laws with regards to sexual offences were proposed.

Aktar kmieni llum flimkien mal-kollega Ministru Michael Falzon ħabbart li fil-ġimgħat li ġejjien ser tidħol fis-seħħ…

Posted by Edward Zammit Lewis on Monday, 28 June 2021

During the conference, Zammit Lewis revealed the government’s proposal for extending the time-bar for sexual offences committed against minors to 20 years, which will also start from when the victim is 23 rather than 18 as it currently stands.

Other proposals for changes to the Criminal Code subsequent laws include making sexual acts between humans and animals illegal and punishable, amendments clarifying that people aged 16 or over may seek psychiatric treatment without parents’ or guardians’ consent as well as clarifying that non-consensual sex with an object is still considered rape, amongst others.
