Writing in her annual report, Animal Welfare Commissioner Alison Bezzina opened up about how she often feels helpless in effecting change ‘in a timely fashion or even at all.’
Bezzina touted various reasons and setbacks which keep her from bringing into actuality various reforms which safeguard animals and their rights’ in Malta. These include everything from a lack of resources to lack of enforcement.
She also highlighted how she, along with staff within the Office of the Commissioner for Animal Welfare, have often had to face angry and abusive comments due to misinformation pertaining to their actual role.
‘The legislative framework from which my duties, obligations and powers emit, CAP 439 Article 44, make the role pretty much a consultative one, often completely dependent on other entities to execute and act on my recommendations’ she explained.
‘When it is explained that this is not the case, many feel betrayed, deceived and being taken for a ride.’
However, Bezzina did highlight one aspect of the role for which she is extremely grateful for, which is that it allows for single mindedness. Whereas other roles within the sector sometimes pose conflict of interest, the role of Commissioner for Animal Welfare ‘is only burdened with one single and very clear interest – Animal Welfare.’