Following a serious incident during an obstacle course, Andrea Calleja, known as Batman by his loved ones due to his love for the character, has been pushing on his road to recovery.
Currently in Karen Grech Hospital recovering from his spinal injury, videos uploaded to social media show him working closely with his physiotherapists.
A fundraiser aimed at collecting €70,000 to support his physical therapy and recovery has so far gather well over €56,000.
With so little left to collect, the family members continue to share snippets of his journey.
‘With this type of injury, the amount of recovery is an unknown and depends on the individual patient. The first two years are crucial and when most of the improvement happens’ it was explained.
‘These next years will cost a lot. Once he is in a position to leave Karen Grech, he will need a lot of help which, as you can imagine, is expensive.
He also needs equipment to help him become more independent.. there is a lot of technology available now for patient like Andrea.’
People can help contribute by visit the Andrea Calleja Fundraising page to help Batman get back into action down the line!