Jade Cini, Malta’s very own Miss Universe, personally responded to criticism she received over her choice of costume as she represented our country. A post uploaded to a Facebook Group ‘Malta Dizastru Totali’ asked for the opinions of people in regards to Cini’s costume.
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The national costume ‘represents traditional feasts featuring a handprinted ‘pavaljun’ that is used to decorate the streets. It shows the scenery of churches and fireworks that make Maltese feasts a tourist attraction.’ The post was met with mixed reactions, some remarking their liking whilst others their dislike or going as far as to mock.
However, Cini herself responded with a comment, thanking everyone for both the positive and negative comments, accepting everyone’s right for opinion. She continued to say that ‘the fact of people asking about our culture allows me to explain about our traditional Maltese festas and how we decorate our streets in such a unique fashion. This is an honour for me.’
Whatever your thoughts on the costume, it surely is a sight to behold as it captures many moments from Malta’s history in grand fashion.
Photo Source: Jade Cini IG