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‘Ambjent Malta’ plants 21,800 trees and shrubs in 2020

Feb 11 2021 Share

Minister Aaron Farrugia took to Facebook yesterday to note that the Maltese Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Ministry in Malta, planted 21,800 trees and shrubs during the year 2020.

This number is higher than those in 2018 and 2019. These trees and shrubs were planted in; Buskett, Kemmuna, Madliena, Salini, Marsaxlokk, Swatar and Mellieħa, among others.

‘Ambjent Malta’ also monitors the newly planted trees and shrubs for the coming 3-5 years in order to make sure that they are growing as they should.


Warning: Heavy winds predicted today and will last throughout the week

Feb 11 2021 Share

The Meteorological Office has predicted strong winds today until 6 PM this evening. The wind will be coming from the Northwest and will be strong overexposed areas of the Maltese Islands.

The Malta Airport weather predictions are also mentioning that wind will persist throughout the rest of the week as well.

People are urged to be careful and to stay safe.


Marsa Junction Project expected to be ready by end of February; minor changes left

Feb 11 2021 Share

The Marsa Junction Project is expected to be ready by the end of this month. This was the largest capital investment project taken by Infrastructure Malta since its establishment.

Infrastructure Malta CEO, Fredrick Azzopardi said that 97% of this project is now finished and that this junction constitutes for the heaviest areas of traffic in Malta and will now span 12 kilometres with various courses at three levels and without traffic lights.

This project is expected to reduce travel time ey 80% and it will also do its part when it comes to the reduction of traffic pollution.


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Town switches Christmas lights back on to lift spirits during lockdown

Feb 11 2021 Share

Officials in Tankerton, Kent, decided to bring back the Christmas lights in their town after locals voted in favour of the idea.

Hundreds of locals showed support and even donated money to fund it. This campaign was largely spearheaded by a group of Tankerton businesses called the ‘Talk of Tankerton’.

One of the co-founders of ‘Talk of Tankerton’ said that it seemed to dull and dark to remove the lights right after Christmas and New Year all while going into lockdown as well. She said that everyone needs a bit of light and sparkle, especially during a lockdown to make them smile.
