Air Malta will keep all routes open but reduce flight frequency

Air Malta will keep all routes open but reduce flight frequency
Jan 5 2022 Share

Air Malta will be reducing its frequency on some of its routes in January and February following a massive drop in demand but still keep all its currently existing routes. 

Recent weeks brought the downturn in demands for the airline, with the Omicron variant pushing up the number of COVID-19 cases globally and thus disrupting travel in general. 

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‘This curtailing, necessitated due to the dramatic downturn in demand over recent weeks, is presently very common in the industry especially in the current scenario during which airlines had to deal with multiple and unprecedented travel disruptions’ a statement by the company read.

Air Malta’s Executive Chairman David G Curmi commented on this plan, stating that this decision is being taken to match customer demand and avoid flying near empty. 

‘Given the unprecedented times we are living in and the challenges that Air Malta is facing, we are continuously optimising our network for profitability and liquidity, and we plan to continue to do so without compromises.’ 

The airline did not specify which of the routes would be impacted by flight cancellations or what notices would be issued for booked passengers. 


George Floyd’s 4-year-old grand-niece shot whilst sleeping

George Floyd’s 4-year-old grand-niece shot whilst sleeping
Jan 5 2022 Share

A four-year-old girl believed to be the grand-niece of late George Floyd was shot whilst she was asleep in her bed in the early hours of New Year’s Day. 

George Floyd was himself killed by former Minneapolis police office Derek Chauvin in May of 2020, leading to a series of worldwide protests. 

The four-year-old girl is reported to have been shot at around 2:55am on January 1st whilst asleep in her family apartment in Texas and rushed to hospital. 

The girl’s father Derrick Delane detailed the incident, describing how his daughter jumped up and told her father that she was hit. He described the shock seeing the blood and her confusion due to being asleep beforehand. 

She was reported to have suffered a punctured lung, liver and sustained three broken ribs. According to HPD Major Assaults and Family violence Division detectives, several shots were fired by a suspect or suspects into the apartment. 

The apartment had four adults and two children inside. Despite thinking the attack was targeted, the detectives said there is currently no suspect description or motive. 

There was a significant delay in police arriving which Delane raised concerns about. An Internal Affairs investigation has been launched as Houston Police Chief Troy Finner asked the city to pray for her full recovery and assist in providing information about the case. 


Mediterranean diet called the best diet for 2022

Mediterranean diet called the best diet for 2022
Jan 5 2022 Share

For the fifth year in a row, the Mediterranean diet placed first in the annual race for best diet according to ratings by US News & World Report. 

The Mediterranean diet was followed by a tie between the DASH diet (which stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension and emphasises reducing salt consumption) and the flexitarian diet which encourages being vegetarian most of the time except for some instances of meat consumption. These three diets reduce or eliminate processed foods whilst also stress the importance of filling a plate with fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains and seeds. 

Managing director of health for US News and World Report Gretel Schueller said that she thinks its important to note that these three diets all offer variety, flexibility and few rules. ‘All the diets that perform well are safe, sensible and backed by sound science. The diet winners also provide adequate calories with a focus on vegetables, fruits and whole grains.’ 

A panel of 27 experts examined 40 diets and ranked them on 7 categories – how easy it is to follow; how easily people can lose significant weight; how effective the diet is in preventing cardiovascular diseases or diabetes; and the diet’s nutritional completeness.’ The Mediterranean diet was found by numerous studies to reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss, depression and breast cancer. It has also been associated with stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life. Red meat is used sparingly, usually only to flavour a dish. Whilst eggs, dairy and poultry are eaten in smaller portions than traditional Western diets,  with fats other than olive oil are rarely consumed. 


Quarry accident leaves worker grievously injured

Quarry accident leaves worker grievously injured
Jan 5 2022 Share

Police were informed yesterday at around 1700hrs that an incident occurred in a quarry in Triq Wied Filep, in-Naxxar. 

Preliminary investigations found that a 53-year-old resident of Imġarr was working heavy machinery which fell on his legs. 

He was given assistance from a medical team and later taken to Mater Dei hospital where he was certified as having suffered grievous injuries. Investigations are still ongoing. 
