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AI shows what would happen if we disregarded Malta’s seas

AI shows what would happen if we disregarded Malta’s seas
Jun 10 2023 Share

The island of Malta is known for its sea-sides and pristine beaches, and with this comes the ever important respect for the seas surrounding us.

Celebrating World Oceans Day, artificial intelligence creator @malta.ai imagined what would be the case if we were to completely disregard our seas.

Images generated completely by AI show heaps of rubbish and hazardous materials entrenching our beaches, killing off marine life, polluting one of the island’s greatest blessings and giving us no room to enjoy the seas. 


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‘On this day, let’s take a moment to reflect on our impact on the oceans and pledge to preserve and protect them for future generations. From reducing plastic waste to promoting sustainable fishing practices, every small action we take makes a significant difference’ the creator wrote.

This forms part of a larger, global movement which seeks to protect our seas and the negative impacts we leave upon it. 

Here’s to more awareness! 


Sex is as good or better than a sleeping pill suggests study

Sex is as good or better than a sleeping pill suggests study
Jun 10 2023 Share

A new study has suggested that getting your freak on before bed may be as good, if not better, as a sleeping pill if a good night’s knock out is what you need.

In a survey presented at the SLEEP 2023 annual meeting in Indianapolis, 53 adults were questioned about their sleeping habits, covering sleep quality, sex and organisms as well as sleep medication. 

There is currently very little data around sex and sleep quality, but the new study is attempting to corroborate the idea that good sex may lead to good sex.

With fairly young participants – 80% were between 25 and 49 – it was found that 66% of the participants reported using sleep medication at some point in their lives to rest better.

In the new survey, 75% of participants reported better sleep after sex or orgasm, with 64% feeling that a sleeping pill had a similar or worse effect on their sleep. 

Such studies are still in their initial phases, but it is hoped that better understanding such a phenomenon can contribute to offering alternatives to sleeping pills which may have unintended side-effects. 


Free El Hiblu 3 protest in front of Attorney General office

Free El Hiblu 3 protest in front of Attorney General office
Jun 10 2023 Share

Various organisations, including Moviment Graffitti, held a demonstration yesterday evening calling on the Attorney General to drop the charges against El Hiblu 3. 

The individuals and groups are demanding that the Attorney General, Dr VIctoria Buttiġieġ, ‘immediately dismiss the unjust charges against Abdalla, Amara and Kader.

‘Abdalla, Amara and Kader arrived in Malta more than four years ago. Acting as mediators and translators on the El Hiblu 1, they helped to prevent the unlawful pushback of over 100 people to Libya and to diffuse a tense situation at sea. They were only 15, 16, and 19 years old respectively. Rather than celebrate their bravery, the Maltese authorities charged them with a number of crimes that could lead to life sentences.’

Touting new evidence in the case which discredits one of the main witnesses brought by the prosecution, the groups claim that this corroborates with wha the three have explained from the beginning. 

The witness in question is Sarah El Hiblu, who the groups explain is ‘the owner of the oil tanker that rescued the travellers, is charged in a cocaine smuggling case in Spain. He failed to appear in court to testify. These events cast doubt on his character, his credibility, and thus his testimony.’ 

National and international support for the Attorney General to drop the charges is overwhelming and growing. 

Hundreds of individuals and organisations have signed our open letter since we delivered it to the Attorney General in September 2022. In total, the open letter now has 1,300 signatures from individuals and organisations. Signatories include Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca (President Emeritus of Malta), Dr Yana Mintoff (Association for Justice, Equality and Peace), Dr Maria Pisani (Head of Department, Youth Studies, University of Malta), over 10 members of the European Parliament, prominent members of the Catholic Church in Malta, as well as a range of other individuals.


Record 5.8 million bus passengers in May 2023

Record 5.8 million bus passengers in May 2023
Jun 10 2023 Share

According to data provided by Malta Public Transport, May 2023 saw a record breaking amount of bus passengers travelling across the Maltese islands.

5.8 million passengers took to alternative transport during this month, which surpasses the previous milestone of 5.7 million in August of 2019, right before the pandemic broke out.

“The consistent passenger growth is indicative that confidence in public transportation is strengthening. In fact, the percentage of people travelling by bus, when compared to travelling by private car or other modes of transport, has increased to 11% in 2023, from 8% in 2021. This represents a positive modal shift towards public transport,” said Konrad Pulé, General Manager of Malta Public Transport.

This comes as Malta Public Transport launches the Summer service from Sunday, June 11th, 2023. The service will provide more frequent buses on busy routes with an additional 550 bus trips per day. 

Extended bus services will also be provided for popular beaches as many make their way for a summer swim. ‘Passengers are reminded that real-time bus arrival information is available on the free Tallinja App, as well as through the QR codes on each bus stop.’ 
