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Age Of Medical Consent Being Lowered To 14

Jul 11 2024 Share

The age of consent for minors to access particular medical procedures is being lowered from 16 to 14.

The discussion over this bill started in parliament started being debated and discussed in parliament last Wednesday. The bill will aim to amend the Health Act.

As of present day, the law allowed minors aged 16 or over the right to consent to or refuse to partake in a medical procedure only if a medical practitioner thought the minor had sufficient maturity and understanding of the situation in hand.

If the minor refused the procedure but the medical practitioner thought the treatment was urgently required, the refusal could be denied in order to go along with the treatment.

The new law aiming to be passed by parliament, will lower the age of consent to 14 and extends the phrase treatments to include “psychiatric treatment, counselling, therapy, social work and youth work.”

The bill was brought forward by Social Welfare Minister Michael Falzon and was supported by Nationalist MP Graziella Attard Previ, who both described the potential law as the ’empowerment’ of children.


Darren Carabott Points Out Prisoners Welfare Amid Rising Temperatures

Jul 11 2024 Share

On his Facebook, Nationalist MP Darren Carabott highlighted the pressing issue of prisoner welfare and the urgent need for improved prison infrastructure amidst the rising temperatures affecting everyone.

Carabott began his post by noting the severe toll the typical Maltese heat is taking and went on to empathize with prisoners who are confined to small, shared cells while enduring this intense heat.

He argued that subjecting individuals to such unbearable conditions will not facilitate their rehabilitation but rather drive them to insanity. Carabott emphasized the necessity of providing prisoners with a humane environment to ensure they emerge from incarceration in a better state than when they entered.

He concluded his post by affirming the Nationalist Party’s stance: along with comprehensive reform of prison management, there is a critical need for adequate infrastructure with proper conditions to offer inmates the opportunity for genuine change.

Carabott’s post came only hours after Social wellbeing faculty Dean Andrew Azzopardi revealed that inmates were suffering from “inhumane treatment” due to “unbearable heat” inside their cells, with temperatures inside cells sometimes being as high as 30°C



Man Tried To Smuggle 100 Live Snakes In His Trousers In China

Jul 11 2024 Share

A man was caught trying to smuggle more than 100 live snakes into mainland China by hiding them in his trousers. This incident was reported by China’s customs authority on Tuesday.

The unnamed man was stopped by customs officials as he tried to cross from Hong Kong into Shenzhen. During a routine check, the customs officers found something unusual.

“Upon inspection, customs officers discovered that the pockets of the trousers the passenger was wearing were packed with six canvas drawstring bags and sealed with tape,” the statement said. “Once opened, each bag was found to contain living snakes in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colours.”

In total, officers seized 104 snakes, including milk snakes and corn snakes. Many of these were non-native species. A video released by the authorities showed two border agents looking into clear plastic bags filled with the squirming snakes.

China has been a major hub for animal trafficking, but the government has recently been cracking down on this illegal trade. The country’s laws on biosecurity and disease control forbid bringing in non-native species without permission.

“Those who break the rules will be… held liable in accordance with the law,” the customs authority said, though they did not specify the man’s punishment.

This incident shows the ongoing efforts of customs authorities to stop illegal wildlife trade and the importance of biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of invasive species.

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England Supporters Take To Buġibba Streets After Semifinal Win

England Supporters Take To Buġibba Streets After Semifinal Win
Jul 11 2024 Share

England supporters took to the streets in celebration of their favourite team’s semifinal win agains The Netherlands yesterday evening.


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The fans erupted in celebration as the late Ollie Watkins goal in the 90th minute ensured their placing in the final against Spain.

Excitement has been building up towards the possibility of England winning the trophy for the first time in Euro history, after having come second back in 2020 against Italy.
