
ADPD Criticises PL and PN’s Approaches to Electricity Distribution

Jul 28 2023 Share

The ADPD has strongly criticised both the PL and PN for their respective stances on Malta’s electricity distribution system. While highlighting the PL’s denial of responsibility for the system’s deterioration, the party also expresses concerns about the PN’s proposals, which they believe would create new problems for the country.

The Leader of the ADPD, Sandra Gauci, took a direct jab at the PL government, accusing them, including Prime Minister Robert Abela and Minister Miriam Dalli, of allowing the electricity distribution system to crumble to the point of failure. Gauci laments the disastrous economic policy of pursuing growth at any cost and emphasizes that the current situation is a result of the government’s negligence. She contends that instead of acknowledging their faults and apologizing to affected businesses, workers, and families, the PL is offering pseudo-solutions and deflecting blame for the crisis.

Gauci further criticizes the idea of creating new positions on new authorities, seeing it as an unnecessary expense for the country. Instead, the ADPD believes that competent politicians should support and enable competent authorities to work efficiently in a professional manner.

Dr. Ralph Cassar, also from the ADPD, shifts the focus to the PN’s proposals regarding private electricity distribution companies. He calls their approach “dangerous” and argues that electricity distribution should remain centralized for efficiency and reduced waste. The ADPD advocates for a transition towards more electricity generation from renewable sources, particularly from rooftops and wind turbines in industrial areas saying that “all energy generated should feed into a single distribution system.”

The ADPD emphasised support for Enemalta, urging the need for professional management to ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply. While criticizing the PL for neglecting the distribution system, the ADPD raises concerns about the PN’s proposals, which they believe would create private monopolies in a critical service.

ADPD’s vision calls for a centralised, public-owned distribution system, empowering buildings to generate their required electricity while also contributing excess energy to the grid. The party also envisions renewable energy cooperatives generating clean energy for distribution. They are demanding a long-term transformation of the energy sector to ensure it aligns with the urgency of addressing climate change and serves the needs of the country both now and in the future.


PN Unveils Nine-Point Plan for “Reliable Electricity Distribution”

Jul 28 2023 Share

The Nationalist Party has put forward a comprehensive nine-point plan for “guaranteed electricity distribution.” The PN said that its vision is anchored in proper planning and strategic investments to ensure a resilient power supply that “no longer leaves citizens in the dark.”

During a press conference, the PN Leader Bernard Grech, Energy and Enterprise Spokesperson, Mark Anthony Sammut, and Public Works and Infrastructure Spokesperson, Ryan Callus, emphasised the urgent need for robust measures to strengthen Enemalta network and reduce peak loads.

The core proposals put forward by the Nationalist Party are as follows:

  • Investment in Distribution Network: Prioritise appropriate and accelerated investment in the distribution network to enhance its capacity and efficiency.
  • Data Analysis System: Implement a data analysis system that utilizes smart meters to optimize energy distribution.
  • Reliability Target: Enforce an electricity availability rate of 99.5% on the operator, ensuring minimal interruptions for consumers.
  • Compensation for Outages: Introduce automatic compensation for households affected by power outages.
  • Quality-Focused Procurement: Review Enemalta’s procurement process to consider both price and quality.
  • Energy-Efficient Buildings: Provide incentives for buildings with high levels of energy efficiency.
  • Clean Energy Investment: Encourage energy investment in companies using clean energy sources in Government industrial parks.
  • Battery Storage Systems: Install battery storage systems at critical points in the network to enhance grid resilience.
  • Off-Peak Benefit Rates: Introduce benefit rates for off-peak times, offering cheaper electricity during these periods.

The PN said that a PN Government is committed to promoting private investment in the energy distribution market, fostering competition and efficiency. The PN said that by allowing private players to enter the market, Maltese consumers can enjoy choices and access the best services available.


AI imagines aliens in Malta

AI imagines aliens in Malta
Jul 28 2023 Share

In a remarkable congressional hearing on July 26, 2023, a former American intelligence official, David Grusch, revealed that the US government had conducted a “multi-decade” program to collect and reverse-engineer crashed UFOs.
Grusch, who led analysis of unexplained anomalous phenomena within a US Department of Defense agency until 2023, disclosed that “non-human” beings had been found, marking a high-profile discussion on the issue of alien life.

The hearing was triggered by Grusch’s claims in June, suggesting that the government was secretly concealing alien spacecraft. He reiterated some of these claims under oath during the hearing and filed a whistleblower complaint in 2022, stating he was denied access to classified government UFO programs.

Just when you thought the universe couldn’t get any stranger, the @malta.ai Instagram page swooped in and hit us with some AI-generated images of what Maltese aliens might look like! Are they cute little green dudes, or are they more like super-smart robots? Who knows! 🤖


Malta Will Invest An Immediate €30 Million To Improve Electricity Distribution 

Jul 28 2023 Share

Amidst growing concerns over climate change, Prime Minister Robert Abela has revealed a comprehensive climate action plan, announcing a significant increase in investment in Malta’s electricity distribution system. Addressing the Maltese Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) Prime Minister Robert Abela unveiled a series of concrete actions aimed at combating climate change and promoting a sustainable future for the country.

The cornerstone of the Prime Minister’s announcement was the immediate doubling of investment in the electricity distribution system. Acknowledging the urgent need to bolster the country’s energy infrastructure, Robert Abela explained that the government plans to invest €30 million next year, following an initial €15 million investment, to enhance the distribution system. The goal is to create a more robust grid that can accommodate renewable energy sources and withstand the challenges posed by climate change.

Prime Minister Abela highlighted the country’s commitment to the environmental cause and showcased initiatives already in progress. He mentioned redirecting €40 million from the BREXIT Adjustment Fund towards the Recovery Plan, particularly the RePower EU chapter, dedicated to sustainable energy reforms. The Maltese Government’s approach has been recognised as one of the most environmentally sound in the European Union, with the approved funding increasing to almost €330 million, providing an additional €70 million to be channeled into vital energy reforms.

The actions outlined included investments in renewable energy for buildings, encouraging shorter timelines for implementation. Moreover, significant funds will be allocated to enhance the electric grid’s capacity to accommodate renewable energy sources efficiently. Plans to support energy efficiency improvements in both public and private buildings, such as schools and offices, are also in the works.

In light of recent extreme climatic events, Prime Minister Abela announced the hiring of Principal Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana to develop a protocol for handling climate-induced pressures effectively. This protocol will establish mechanisms to respond more efficiently to climate challenges.

To further strengthen the country’s response to climate change, Prime Minister Abela announced the establishment of a specialised Authority against climate change. Minister for the Environment, Energy, and Enterprise, Miriam Dalli, explained that the Authority will focus on monitoring the impact of various activities on climate change and coordinating the necessary concrete actions.
