Malta’s Green Party have released a statement condemning the new proposed project for St George’s Bay which ‘will literally cast a shadow on the bay.’
The party said that we are once again facing another controversy over a project for the bay. ‘After all the protests by Civil Society regarding the dB project in Pembroke and the aborted Masterplan for Paceville some six years ago, this massive project is definitely not acceptable.’
The party revealed that the project would see three towers erected, one of 34 floors and two of 27 floors each.
These towers, the party exclaimed, would impact the local environment negatively during construction and during the eventual operation.
‘This project will cover a footprint of almost 50,000 square metres with a development mix of tourism, business and entertainment facilities in an area which is already overdeveloped and overcrowded practically all year round.’
What do you make of this?
Photo Source: ERA