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Activists dress as Grim Reapers in front of Malta Developer’s Association

Moviment Grafffitti
May 12 2023 Share

Activists from Moviment Graffitti took to the front of the Malta Developers’ Association offices to highlight how ‘politicians, authorities and developers are burying our country under unbridled construction. They called on the public to join them in the national protest Xebbajtuna!’ 

The activists represented the Maltese quality of life, nature and health by using coffins and the developers and institutions by dressing up as grim reapers – the personification of death. 

The activists demanded that ‘our environment and quality of life be given priority over the profits of the few. Far from fixing this desperate situation, more is being done to make it worse. A few weeks ago a Legal Notice came into effect which allows for the regularization of illegal buildings on ODZ.’

The official press statement made reference to various instances of construction projects which are either underway or currently proposed. 

‘There is no justice in losing our country to the rule of greed. We are facing an environmental situation that is rapidly getting worse and requires genuine action not empty words and cosmetic changes’ said the activists. 

Read the full statement here.


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Claudette Buttigieg returns to Eurovision as guest speaker!

Claudette Buttigieg returns to Eurovision as guest speaker
May 12 2023 Share

Claudette Buttigieg, who represented Malta in the 2000 edition with her song ‘Desire’, was an official guest speaker in Liverpool, discussing Eurovision as a tool of diplomacy. 

Buttigieg, who is now a prominent member of the Nationalist Party in Malta, got the opportunity to represent Malta again in relation to this concert, but this time through a very different lens. 


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New York based Instagram Eurovision fan page @eurovisonyc shared a story of Buttigieg at the summit, who expressed her gratitude for being involved whilst also reminding fans of who exactly she is. 

And what better way to do so other than by singing a part of her iconic song ‘Desire’. She went on to urge people to watch the contest, having spoken about it as being a potential tool for more connectivity and diplomacy across Europe and the rest of the world.


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It’s International Nurses Day! Let’s show some appreciation!

It's International Nurses Day! Let's show some appreciation!
May 12 2023 Share

The Council for Nurses and Midwives of Malta commend the indispensable contribution of nurses across all health services in Malta and Gozo. 

‘Undoubtedly nurses are the foundation of all health Services. Nurses are also the only profession which spend most time with their patients. Nurses are indispensable and no health service can exist without qualified nurses.’

‘The theme chosen for this year’s International Nurses Day “Our Nurses. Our Future” is indeed very befitting. Nurses touch the lives of so many people who need their services, support, compassion and professional care.’

Saluting them for their tireless efforts to provide the best possible care to their patients, the council thanked them for making so much difference in so many lives. 


You could soon eat in a Michelin star restaurant in space

May 12 2023 Share

Are you a foodie who loves visit Michelin star restaurants? Well, you might soon be able to do dine in one in (almost) outer space, thanks to the new venture by French company Zephalto. 

The space tourism venture was founded by former air traffic controller Vincent Farret D’Asties, who is currently selling pre-reservation tickets for a place on the pressured capsule.

Dubbed Celeste, the capsule is attached to a stratospheric balloon and it is expected to ascend to an altitude of 25 kilometres. This will allow guests to glance at the curvature of the Earth whilst being fed some high class dishes. 

Of course, no such reservation is going to come cheap, as tickets are going for around €10,000, with the full experience racking up to around €120,000. 

CNN Travel was informed by Zephalto that seats on board the first flights for late 2024 and mid-2025 have already been reserved and that they are now opening up reservations for mid-2025 and onwards. 

Six passengers will be able to enjoy this experience at a time, along with two pilots as the capsule rises in just 90 minutes, at a speed of four meters per second. The capsule will then float for around three hours before making the way back down. 
