Activists from Moviment Graffitti took to the front of the Malta Developers’ Association offices to highlight how ‘politicians, authorities and developers are burying our country under unbridled construction. They called on the public to join them in the national protest Xebbajtuna!’
The activists represented the Maltese quality of life, nature and health by using coffins and the developers and institutions by dressing up as grim reapers – the personification of death.
The activists demanded that ‘our environment and quality of life be given priority over the profits of the few. Far from fixing this desperate situation, more is being done to make it worse. A few weeks ago a Legal Notice came into effect which allows for the regularization of illegal buildings on ODZ.’
The official press statement made reference to various instances of construction projects which are either underway or currently proposed.
‘There is no justice in losing our country to the rule of greed. We are facing an environmental situation that is rapidly getting worse and requires genuine action not empty words and cosmetic changes’ said the activists.
Read the full statement here.