First footage of Neil Agius ending his attempt at the 100 mile Mallorca to Ibiza swim has just been revealed, showing the record breaking swimmer board the boat to deal with the jellyfish stings.
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The swimmer announced that the swim had to be cut short due to pain inflicted by jellyfish stings, with this video revealing that Neil counted up to 60 stings.
He said that nature decided against them for this challenge as everything else was accounted for – nutrition, training, determination.
However, the jellyfish presented a continuous hazard, reportedly lighting up blue each time they stung him.
‘Basically, I felt like I could do this forever, but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be this time’, he explained, vividly distraught about ending the journey early.
‘This is the sport I have chosen that depends on so many variables- some we can be in control of, others unfortunately not. I would like to thank all of our supporters who were rooting for us and backed us up over the last 10 months.’
However, he had already explained in a post that the real purpose of the initiative, which is raising awareness about ocean conservation still stands.