A study made by the University of Aberdeen has concluded that people who start their days with a large breakfast are more likely to know how to control their appetite throughout the day.
The researchers managed to find out that if one eats a large meal in the morning and proceeds to eat in small amounts during the day than that person would lose weight in a faster rate and follow any diet they are doing easier.
The study happened between 30 volunteers who for around 2 months had daily meals prepared for the morning, afternoon and evening. These daily meals together would amass to around 1,700 calories.
The breakfast offered to those 30 volunteers would include yoghurts, smoothies, sausages, eggs and mushrooms.
In the first month of the study the researchers gave the volunteers a breakfast with half the 1,700 calories whilst in the second month they had a low calorific breakfast and a high calorific dinner.
After the study was published, Professor Alexandra Johnstone said that in today’s world not many people are finding time to prepare large meals for breakfast and that is why they end up eating in large amounts during the evening.