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A Historic Final MEP Debate Hosted by KNŻ & MaltaDaily

May 15 2024 Share

In a momentous occasion, the National Youth Council (KNŻ), in collaboration with ESO and JEF Malta, organised the Final MEP Debate at the prestigious venue of Casino Maltese Valletta.

This unprecedented event, hailed as the largest debate of its kind, was conducted in partnership with MaltaDaily and moderated by Keane Cutajar.

The debate commenced with a focus on three critical themes: Environment, Human Rights, and Migration. Thirteen MEP candidates, representing diverse political affiliations, participated fervently, advocating their stances on these pivotal issues. The lineup included candidates from the Labour Party, Nationalist Party, ADPD, Volt, ABBA, Imperium Europa, as well as Independent candidates.

Structured meticulously, each participant was granted five minutes to articulate their responses to questions pertaining to the designated topics. To ensure the veracity of statements, a real-time live fact-checking mechanism was deployed, reaffirming the commitment to authenticity throughout the discourse.

Following the initial debates, an online vote, facilitated by an anonymous voting system, enabled the audience to nominate the most compelling candidates. The top five candidates advanced to the semi-final round, where they faced spontaneous queries from both the moderator and the audience. The semi-finalists included representatives from various political spectrums: Lee Bugeja Bartolo (PN), Steve Ellul (PL), James Ryder Muscat (Independent), Sandra Gauci (ADPD), and Arnold Cassola (Independent).

After another round of voting, the most persuasive candidates progressed to the final showdown. The ultimate debate unfolded between Steve Ellul (PL) and Arnold Cassola (Independent). Following conclusive deliberations, a final round of voting was conducted, culminating in Arnold Cassola (Independent) emerging as the preferred candidate with 56% of the vote, while Steve Ellul (PL) secured second place with 44%.

This historic event not only marks a pivotal moment in the electoral landscape but also serves as a cornerstone of the broader initiative spearheaded by the National Youth Council KNŻ, titled ‘Youth Activism Matters’. The campaign’s mission is to empower the voices of young people, promote civic education, and nurture a culture of critical thinking. By empowering individuals to engage meaningfully in public discourse, this endeavor aims to encourage participation in the democratic process, particularly as citizens prepare to cast their votes in the forthcoming elections on June 8, 2024.


Rodrick Żerafa Appointed New CEO Of Servizzi Ewropej F’Malta

Rodrick Żerafa Appointed New CEO Of Servizzi Ewropej F'Malta
May 15 2024 Share

Rodrick Zerafa has been announced as the new CEO of SEM – Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta.

‘Mr Zerafa is a European Studies and Communications graduate from the University of Malta. During the past years he held various roles within the Government of Malta, notably, as the Spokesperson for the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade in recent years.’

The establishment of Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM) was formalized as per the Public Administration Act (Cap. 595) through Legal Notice 445 of 2020 (S.L. 595.23).

The agency’s functions align with its mission: to serve as a conduit for EU funds in Malta and Gozo, simplifying access for citizens and organizations to leverage the advantages of EU membership through these funds.

SEM operates the Europe Direct Valletta EU-information center, backed by the European Commission, engaging citizens on EU-related matters locally and regionally. Its goal is to provide EU citizens with information about the EU, direct them to specialized services, and connect them with other networks.

Additionally, SEM promotes EU careers in Malta and assists those interested in pursuing opportunities with EU institutions, agencies, and bodies.

Committed to informing individuals and organizations about the latest EU funding opportunities and the benefits they bring to Maltese society, SEM aids in submitting competitive project applications and supports successful applicants in project implementation.

The vision of SEM is to actively promote awareness of EU fund benefits to a broad audience and streamline access to these funds for targeted groups.


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PN MP At Court On Birthday After Facebook Hate Speech

PN MP At Court On Birthday After Facebook Hate Speech
May 15 2024 Share

Nationalist MP Jerome Caruana Cilia spent his birthday at court after he had to deal with a case of hate speech directed at him through a Facebook comment.

A commenter decided to tell Jerome to walk in front of a moving truck and ‘be liberated’.

The PN MP revealed that the person felt remorse for the act and, after having admitted, Jerome forgave him.

‘It is very important for something like this not to happen again. It is important to discuss, debate and agree or disagree, but never resort to personal attacks.’

‘Respect and dialogue are crucial in a democratic society’, wrote Caruana Cilia. ‘Let us not forget that we are all Maltese siblings.’

Speaking to MaltaDaily, Jerome revealed that the man was condemned to a €150 fine whilst also being given liberty on the condition that he does not commit any other crime in the next 9 months.


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Favourite Word ‘Ħamalla’ But Use ‘F*** Kemm Għandek’ A Lot

Favourite Word 'Ħamalla' But Use 'F*** Kemm Għandek' A Lot
May 15 2024 Share

In her full interview on YouTube by Love Island Malta, Spanish contestant Vanessa revealed that her favourite word in Maltese is ħamalla.

However, she revealed that she uses a lot the phrase ‘f*** kemm għandek’ (a popular offence used on the island).

Vanessa already stuck out by highlighting how her personality is only matched by her ‘patata’ and that she loves Maltese men due to their similarity to Spanish men.
