A goal to have women in 40% of leadership roles by 2027

A goal to have women in 40% of leadership roles by 2027
Nov 3 2022 Share

Speaking during a press conference, Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms Rebecca Buttigieg said that the government has a goal to have women in 40% of leadership roles by 2027. 

This was announced during the announcement of the first Gender Equality and Mainstreaming Strategy and Action Plan. 

Buttigieg encouraged everyone to ditch the stereotype of the woman who stays at home or belongs in the kitchen and revealed that the strategy will empower women to achieve financial independence, even in traditionally male-dominated sectors. 

The action plan will address everything from period poverty (challenges women face during menstrual cycles) through the pledging of free pads and tampons and VAT-free menstrual products as of next year. 

The action plan will call for measures that address social and economic policies, social security systems and taxation. Buttigieg said the government will investigate other gender disparities and suggest new measures to tackle them.


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A 150% increase to art and culture funds announces Minister Bonnici

A 150% increase to art and culture funds announces Minister Bonnici
Nov 3 2022 Share

Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici revealed that there has been a 150% increase in funds allocated to the arts and culture sector in the recent budget. 

Bonnici revealed in parliament that, next year, over €60 million will be allocated to the cultural sector. The Minister said that the investment is an important part of the recovery from the pandemic and to boost the economy forward. 

There was a big surge in tourists who visited historical sites in the country after the pandemic. Heritage Malta alone was the recipient of an investment of €8,700,000, with another €2 million added after. 

The recurrent allocation alone for 2023 – EUR 60 million – is already double the total amount of funds (recurrent and capital) invested by a Nationalist Administration in their last budget.  

The allocation for next year (a total of almost EUR 85 million) represents a 7.5% increase over last year.  

All this is happening in an immediate post-pandemic period, with a war between Russia and Ukraine affecting the markets and energy prices all over the world.  At the same time our public finances are in order and well within the fiscal criteria imposed by the European Commission.

‘This is what taking culture and the arts seriously looks like’. 


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Brace yourselves for traffic: 60km of road projects per year planned

Brace yourselves for traffic: 60km of road projects per year planned
Nov 3 2022 Share

It was revealed by Transport and Infrastructure Minister Aaron Farrugia that approximately 60km worth of residential road-building projects will take place per year. 

Infrastructure Malta (IM) has prepared a work plan with local councils for residential roads, with around 54 local councils being in consultation.

The work plan is to supposedly be stretched out over the next three years as a continuation of the implementation of the national plan to improve residential road quality. 

Minister Farrugia emphasised the importance of quality and safe roads for people, but also encouraged active mobility and active means of transport. He also highlighted the €35 million investment to strengthen cycling infrastructure. 

However, many across the island have often lamented at the fact that most traffic jams occur and are maintained due to the large amount of ongoing and dragging road projects. 

For this, Farrugia said that an effective system will be put in place to ensure transparency to commuters and residents as to the responsible entities, deadlines and length of any inconvenience. 


Malta to criminalise virginity testing; explore making sterilisation free

Malta to criminalise virginity testing; explore making sterilisation free
Nov 3 2022 Share

Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms Rebecca Buttigieg revealed this morning that women in Malta could soon be able to get sterilised free of charge even if not medically required. 

Apart from this, the act of virginity testing could also be criminalised as part of a 5 year government strategy to mainstream gender equality. 

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Buttigieg said that this strategy recognises the significant progress made but commits to making better advancements where needed. 

This comes after Health Minister Chris Fearne announced that free contraception will be offered to the general public as of next year. The new measures being explored and mentioned by Buttigieg form part of the 2022 manifesto.

This had included the provision of free menstruation products at school, a primary health care centre for rape victims and free emergency contraception at Mater Dei. 


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