In 2024, nine out of ten people aged 16 to 74 used the internet, with almost universal usage among those aged 16 to 44.
However, the 65–74 age group had the lowest engagement, at just over 70%. Despite this, Malta’s overall internet usage was slightly above the EU-27 average.
The internet was primarily used for communication, with 98.1% of users citing this reason, followed by entertainment at 94.6%.
Men showed a higher preference for internet-connected devices, with 84.5% using smart TVs and 32.8% using smartwatches or fitness bands.
E-Government services saw a significant rise, with a 6.9% increase in users from 2023 to 2024. In total, 81.1% of internet users (331,804 people) accessed these services, with uptake highest among those aged 16 to 54.
E-commerce was also popular, with 66.1% of internet users (270,318 people) shopping online. Those aged 25 to 44 were the most active shoppers.
The most common purchases were food deliveries, followed by clothing. Men were more likely to order food, while women favoured clothing purchases.
These findings highlight growing digital engagement, with communication, entertainment, and online shopping playing key roles in internet usage trends.