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920 fines for COVID-19 measure breaches

920 fines for COVID-19 measure breaches
Jun 1 2021 Share

Covid19 Malta reported that 920 fines were handed out during the past week (24th – 30th May) for COVID-19 health measure breaches. The majority of these, 685, were related to mask wearing breaches, with 71 fines handed out for people in large groups. 10 fines were handed out for entities breaking the regulations with another 6 fines handed out for quarantine breaches.

148 were found in groups larger than that permitted by law in residences. Health measures are still a vital tool for mitigating any spread of spikes, despite Malta having reached herd immunity. As the vaccination roll out continues, measures will be gradually be eased by the authorities depending on the epidemiological situation. Adherence to measures is therefore still very much crucial.


Photo Source: Malta Police Force FB

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Prime Minister’s approach to vaccine donations

Prime Minister’s approach to vaccine donations
May 31 2021 Share

Answering questions during a press conference, Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that despite agreeing with the principle of donating vaccines to other countries, Malta must first assess the epidemiological situation of Malta before doing so. This is due to the possibility of booster doses becoming a necessity.

This would, according to Prime Minister Robert Abela, require analysing whether there are enough doses to vaccinate children as well. Thus, donation should become a possibility only when there is an excess of doses with the Maltese population vaccinated in the mean time.

In response to this, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne stated that there are enough vaccines to provide booster doses for everyone.


Photo Source: Andalou Agency

Limited cultural events to kickstart from July onwards – Chris Fearne

May 31 2021 Share

During today’s national health conference, Prime Minister Robert Abela and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne shed light on the future of cultural and entertainment events in Malta.

Minister Chris Fearne revealed that, during July and August, a limited number of controlled cultural events will be able to take place over the coming months those who hold a vaccine certificate.

Dr. Fearne stated that these events will be revealed in the near future and if successful, will make way for the cautious and vigilant reopening of our social lives.


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Pfizer vaccination back on track

Pfizer vaccination back on track
May 31 2021 Share

Following news that jab appointments for Pfizer vaccination were being postponed due to a lacking supply, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne stated in a press conference that appointments will now be back on track as Malta has received more doses of the jab.

The Health Minister stated that the vaccination rollout operates in such a way that administers vaccines almost as soon as they are received to ensure a sufficient rollout and no expiration of vaccines takes place.

This news follows the update that vaccination certificates will be available for download starting tomorrow 1st June. This will contribute to further health measure mitigation.
