90% of poll respondents suffer from stress, with school being main contributor

90% of poll respondents suffer from stress, with school being main contributor
Nov 6 2022 Share

In a series of polls issued by Malta Daily, it was revealed that 90% of respondents suffer from stress, at least periodically, as they go about their day-to-day lives.

When asked how often do they feel stress, 49% of poll respondents admitted to being stressed constantly, 38% stated that it occurs periodically, 10% rarely suffer from stress and 3% of respondents stated that they never feel stress.


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Back in August, a study carried by US analytics firm Gallup revealed that the people of Malta are the angriest in the European Union, with a significant fraction of the population also being stressed, worried and in pain.

Echoing Gallup’s revelation that Maltese people are the most worried in Europe and the fourth most worried in the world, users responding to Malta Daily’s poll revealed that school is the one of the key contributors to stress. 40% voted school as the main cause of stress, with personal problems coming in second at 32% and work third at 28%.

Of the many ways that one could deal with stress, 44% chose exercise, 28% percent chose shopping, 17% opt for travelling under stress and 11% of respondents picked reading to cope.

Do you feel stressed?



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IT’S BACK! Malta’s Got Talent returns to your TV screens tonight

IT'S BACK! Malta's Got Talent returns to your TV screens tonight
Nov 6 2022 Share

After months of anticipation, Malta’s Got Talent is finally set to return to Malta’s TV screens this evening at 20:50 and we’re expecting great things!

The local spin-off of the globally-recognised talent show returns for its second season, with Season 1 ending with an emotional finish as beloved father-son duo Jomike & Lydon secured a win with their traditional Maltese makjetti.

This season will be hosted by Gianni Zammit, with judges Ray Attard, Valentina Rossi, Sarah Zerafa and Gordon Bonello helming the red and gold buzzers.

With a lot of hype surrounding each judge’s golden buzzer, thousands of Maltese families will be gluing themselves to the sofa for another season of Sunday night television, so make sure you tune in to Malta’s Got Talent at 20:50 on TVM!

Are you a fan of MGT?


ADPD’s Cacopardo calls high fuel prices “godsend” solution to reduce traffic

Nov 6 2022 Share

In an interview with The Malta Independent on Sunday, APDD chairperson Carmel Cacopardo argued that the removal of subsidies on fuel would definitely reduce traffic in Malta.

The green party chair stated that removing petrol and diesel subsidies should not only decrease traffic in Malta but push for the improvement of Maltese public transport.

“On Thursday schools reopened and traffic jams were everywhere. This also means that the measures to provide school transport are ineffective. Most probably they have not been taken up sufficiently.”

Addressing the introduction of free public transport in Malta, Cacopardo stated that the implementation was premature and that further study to ensure its efficiency and reliability should have been conducted. He went on to argue that Malta requires campaigning for a change in behaviour with regards to transport.

Do you agree?


Photo Source: The Malta Independent / Luca Nardone

Police discover 28 people living illegally in Malta; individuals to be deported

Nov 6 2022 Share

As part of the police’s continued clampdown on individuals living illegally in Malta, a total of 28 individuals were found and taken to the Detention Centre to begin the repatriation process.

The inspections were conducted in Hamrun, Marsa and Santa Venera, with members of The Malta Police Force being assisted by officers from the Detention Services and Occupational Health.

The individuals, hailing from Senegal, Eritrea, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria, were taken to a Detention Centre where their repatriation process has started.

Investigations are currently under way.
