85,797 People At-Risk-Of-Poverty

85,797 People At-Risk-Of-Poverty
Jun 14 2023 Share

The European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) survey is an annual enquiry conducted by the NSO among persons residing in private households in Malta and Gozo. 

The survey has shown that the number of persons living in households with a. National equalised income below the at-risk-of-poverty line, which is €10,893, was 85,797. 

This translates to an at risk poverty rate of 16.7%, which is a decrease of 0.2% points when compared to the previous year. 

The at risk of poverty threshold (ARPT) is defined as 60% of the median National Equalised Income (NEI) Distributions. 

The ARPT derived from EU-SILC 2022 was estimated at €10,893, 6.6 per cent higher when compared to the previous year. 

‘Based on the income year 2021, the number of at-risk-of-poverty persons living in Malta was estimated at 85,797 or 16.7 per cent of the target population’, the NSO reported. 

Full data here.


72 official and ex-officials recognised for their service

72 official and ex-officials recognised for their service
Jun 14 2023 Share

71 officials and ex-officials from the Correctional Service Agency were given recognition for their long and efficient services. 

Out of 72 officials, 44 were given an 18 year service medal, with 51 receiving a 25 year clasp for their service and 6 others receiving a clasp for 30 years of service. 

The recognition was administered by Minister for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms and Equality Byron Camilleri in the presence of the Correctional Service Agency Chief Executive Christopher Siegersma in the Kordin Correctional Facility on Monday. 

In his speech, the Minister said that work with the agency is not just any job, but a vocation which can give satisfaction unlike any other possible in any other line of work. 

The Chief Executive said that the prisons are not facilities which simply bring in criminals, but an opportunity for reform and rehabilitation so that they can join society and contribute. 

The Minister was informed that among the persons given the medal was someone who was undergoing court procedures. He gave the order so that the name is removed from the list published on the Government Gazette, with the nomination being suspended pending court procedures. 


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Full time jobs up by 8.6% over January 2022

Full time jobs up by 8.6% over January 2022
Jun 14 2023 Share

According to the National Statistics Office, registered full time employment increased by 8.6% over January 2022 this year. 

Meanwhile, part-time employment as a primary job increased by 4.0% when compared to January of last year. The labour supply increased by 8.5%, reaching 266,147.

This was mainly attributed to a year-on-year increase in the full time registered employment (20,974) and a decrease in registered unemployment (45).

Administrative and support service actives, followed by Accommodation and food service activities, contributed mostly to the increase in employment when compared to January 2022. 

Registered full time employment in the private sector went up by 21,466 persons to 214,088. 

Public sector full-time employment decreased by 492 persons to 50,987. When compared to January of last year, the number of persons registered as full time self employed rose by 637.

The number of persons registered as employees increased by 20,337. Male and female full time employment went up by 9.2% and 7.7% respectively. 

Registered part-time employment in January 2023 increased by 6.9 per cent when compared to the corresponding month in 2022. The sectors that contributed to the overall increase were Professional, scientific and technical activities followed by Transportation and storage sector. 


Man who allegedly shot and killed two dogs pleads not guilty and granted bail

Jun 14 2023 Share

Raymond Bajada, a 51-year-old resident of Sannat, was granted bail on Tuesday evening after entering a plea of not guilty to charges of animal cruelty. Bajada stood before the Magistrates’ Courts in Gozo for an arraignment related to an incident that occurred at a farm in Gozo on Monday.

Police had been alerted to a suspected shooting and arrived at the farm on Triq l-Għaxra ta’ Ottubru, 1942. Upon their arrival, they discovered two fox terriers that had been fatally shot. The disturbing image of the deceased dogs was shared on social media by MEP candidate Arnold Cassola on Monday evening.

During the arraignment on Tuesday, the court learned that one of the dogs had been shot once, while the other had been shot twice at approximately 5:40 PM. The suspect, Raymond Bajada, allegedly drove to the farm in a truck.

Bajada was charged with animal cruelty, as well as with failing to inform the police authorities after obtaining a weapon without a license and possessing it. However, his defence lawyer, Franco Debono, argued that his client denied the charges. Debono also pointed out that any civilian witnesses should have been present to testify during the arraignment, as is customary when a witness is expected to leave the country before further proceedings take place.

The defence lawyer further emphasised that there was no risk of tampering with evidence in this case. He assured the court that his client would comply with any conditions imposed by the court. After considering the submissions, Magistrate Simone Grech granted bail on the condition that Bajada pay a deposit of €2,000, provide a personal guarantee of €10,000, and sign the bail book three times weekly.

Inspector Bernard Charles Spiteri served as the prosecutor in the case.

It is important to note that the granting of bail does not imply innocence or guilt. The case will proceed as scheduled, allowing both the prosecution and the defence to present their evidence and arguments before a final verdict is reached.
