The European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) survey is an annual enquiry conducted by the NSO among persons residing in private households in Malta and Gozo.
The survey has shown that the number of persons living in households with a. National equalised income below the at-risk-of-poverty line, which is €10,893, was 85,797.
This translates to an at risk poverty rate of 16.7%, which is a decrease of 0.2% points when compared to the previous year.
The at risk of poverty threshold (ARPT) is defined as 60% of the median National Equalised Income (NEI) Distributions.
The ARPT derived from EU-SILC 2022 was estimated at €10,893, 6.6 per cent higher when compared to the previous year.
‘Based on the income year 2021, the number of at-risk-of-poverty persons living in Malta was estimated at 85,797 or 16.7 per cent of the target population’, the NSO reported.
Full data here.