
83% of Maltese always voted for same political party

83% of Maltese always voted for same political party
Jun 4 2021 Share

A survey commissioned by President George Vella  and as reported by Times of Malta has revealed that a whopping 83% of Maltese people have always voted for the same political party. With just 17.3% having sometimes voted for a different party, more than 55% denied the possibility of voting for a different party and 27% considered doing so. People from Southern Harbour areas – Cottonera, Fgura, Floriana, Luqa, Marsa, Paola, Santa Lucija, Tarxien, Valletta, Xghajra and Zabbar – were most likely to always support the same party.

Those who were willing to vote for different parties were found to be between ages 16 and 25. A higher level of education also indicated the possibility of voting for different parties. Northern region localities – Mosta, Naxxar, Gharghur, Mgarr, Mellieha and St. Paul’s Bay – were more likely to vote for different political parties. 1,064 people were surveyed between April and May.


Photo Source: Robert Abela FB, Bernard Grech FB

1 in 7 medical workers in Malta are foreign

1 in 7 medical workers in Malta are foreign
Jun 4 2021 Share

Statistics published by parliamentary authorities revealed that for every 7 nurses in Malta, one is foreign. Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne stated that the number of doctors is 126 out of 1,541.

The number of foreign health care workers has almost doubled in the last six years, with 2015 seeing 290 out of 3,132. It was also revealed that foreign health workers that are employed and paid by the government are required to learn basic Maltese within a year of being employed.

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Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB

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Single parking space sells for €1.06 million in Hong Kong

Single parking space sells for €1.06 million in Hong Kong
Jun 4 2021 Share

A 12.5 square metre spot in a luxury Hong Kong apartment complex has sold for an incredible €1.06 million (HK$10 million). Part of The Peak, which boasts unimaginable property prices, has attracted some of the city’s richest people. Overlooking Victoria Harbour, the space is no larger than apartments which normal residents cannot even afford.

UBS reported, in 2019, that a skilled worker required 22 years of income to afford a 60-metre flat, with the average property price in Hong Kong ranging at $1.2 million. With a 3,378 square-foot penthouse selling for US$59 million just last year and setting a benchmark price per square foot at $17,500, Hong Kong’s luxury property market skyrocketed following economic and political uncertainty in the years beforehand.


Photo Source: International Director

9 signs that you are an overthinker

9 signs that you are an overthinker
Jun 4 2021 Share

1. You spend a lot of time thinking about things you have no control over.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker
2. You constantly relive embarrassing moments in your head.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker
3. You repeatedly ask yourself “what if…” questions.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker
4. You rehash conversations you had with people in your head and think about what you wished you said or did.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker
5. You love getting reassurance from others about your worries.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker
6. You have difficulty sleeping at night as worrying thoughts won’t stop.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker
7. You perceive the world as a dangerous place and are quick to see threatening situations.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker
8. You tend to worry a lot about what others think rather than what you think.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker
9. You often spend time thinking about the hidden meaning behind people’s words or actions.

9 signs that  you are an overthinker



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