
72 Immigrants Relocated To Other Countries

72 Immigrants Relocated To Other Countries
Jun 22 2023 Share

On Wednesday, 21st June, the relocation of 72 immigrants of various nationalities who arrived irregularly in Malta took place. The relocation was carried out as part of the Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism, established in June 2022 for a one-year period, aimed at reducing the burden of irregular immigration on frontline countries. The immigrants were transferred to other EU member states where they can continue the process related to their request for international protection.

The Minister for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms, and Equality, Byron Camilleri, emphasized that relocation is the most effective means through which other European countries and the European Union can alleviate the burden of irregular immigration on frontline countries, especially in the case of Malta due to its size and geographical position. Through its strategy of prevention, return, and relocation, Malta managed to reduce arrivals in the first half of 2023 and return and relocate the same number of immigrants that arrived at the beginning of the year.

“While the Government continues to work diligently on prevention, including cooperation with Libya, to reduce the possibility of deaths and subsequently arrivals of irregular migrants and facilitate the return of individuals who do not require protection in Malta, this effort is reflected in the figures of the past two years, where the number of irregular immigrants returned to their country of origin has increased significantly while the number of arrivals has substantially decreased,” said Minister Camilleri.

The preparations for relocation involved the assistance of several entities within the Ministry for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms, and Equality, as well as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA). The relocation is co-financed by the European Union, including the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF).


Here Are Some Tips To Keep Your Home Safe From Burglars

Here Are Some Tips To Keep Your Home Safe From Burglars
Jun 22 2023 Share

The 22nd of June is EU Focus Day, which works to create awareness on preventing domestic burglary. 

The Malta Police Force released a few tips through the European Crime Prevention Network on how to keep one’s home safe from any unwanted intruders. 

‘Since the year 2020, the Malta Police Force investigated around 1,500 thefts from residences’, it was explained. 

‘Together with other EU Member States we are working together with EUCPN to Stop Domestic Burglaries.’ 

Some of the tips involve having strong door locks as well as window locks to prevent any entries. External lighting on a sensor can also dissuade any intruders, along with internal lighting set on timers. 


Oxygen On Missing Titanic Sub To Run Out In Few Hours

Oxygen On Missing Titanic Sub To Run Out In Few Hours
Jun 22 2023 Share

The oxygen on the missing Titanic submersible is expected to run out in a matter of hours, rendering the hopes of the rescue mission to retrieve the 5 persons aboard very low. 

The Titan has caught the attention of international media after it lost contact and sunk near the Titanic wreckage in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Experts on the mission say that the breathable oxygen keeping the five people aboard will likely run out on Thursday morning to noon. 

According to EuroNews, even if the Titan is located in the North Atlantic, it could be nearly impossible to reach if it is stuck on the ocean floor. 

This would place it at roughly 12,500 near the infamous ship’s wreckage. The rescue efforts based off the underwater sounds have so far yielded negative results. 

Titan had a 96-hour oxygen supply when it set off at roughly 6 a.m. on Sunday, according to David Concannon, an adviser to OceanGate Expeditions, which oversaw the mission.


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2,600 First Time Buyers To Receive First €1,000 Instalment

2,600 First Time Buyers To Receive First €1,000 Instalment
Jun 22 2023 Share

The government has announced that starting tomorrow, over 2,600 first-time buyers who purchased a property in 2022 will begin receiving the initial installment of a ten-year grant. Under the new scheme, which was a significant commitment made by the Labour Party during the previous year’s elections, buyers will receive €1,000 per year for a decade, totaling €10,000.

Social and Affordable Housing Minister Roderick Galdes disclosed this information on Wednesday, stating that the implementation of this measure will cost the government €26 million throughout the ten-year duration.

Galdes emphasised that the government has taken a comprehensive approach to investing in the housing sector, introducing various initiatives to enable more individuals to become homeowners.

Matthew Zerafa, the CEO of the Housing Authority, expressed his belief that this new scheme will shed light on the unique characteristics of these first-time buyers from Malta.
