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70% of Keanu Reeves’ Matrix salary went to Leukaemia research

70% of Keanu Reeves’ Matrix salary went to Leukaemia research
Dec 30 2021 Share

In celebration of the latest release of The Matrix: Resurrections, here’s a massively wholesome fact. Main actor and Hollywood good guy Keanu Reeves donated 70% of his Matrix salary to leukaemia research. 

In 1991, his younger sister Kim was diagnosed with the blood cancer, which she battled for 10 years before entering remission. Reeves put his life on hold as he became his carer. 

This delayed the release of the Matrix sequels, with Keanu selling his house so he could move closer to her and care for her. 

70% of his salary from the first movie was donated to research the disease and search for a cure. He also created a charity to support people and children living with cancer, not even attaching his name to it. 

He didn’t speak much about his charity, wanting it to not be associated with his celebrity status. Keanu cared massively for his sister after growing up in a rough home, with their father having walked out when Keanu was 2. 

This just one example of Keanu’s effort to help and be the absolute best in Hollywood. He donates to charities regularly, especially to help children suffering from diseases. 


Photo Source: Sky News

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PN defends David Thake as the MP reports himself to Standards Commissioner

PN defends David Thake as the MP reports himself to Standards Commissioner
Dec 30 2021 Share

Nationalist MP David Thake reported himself to the Standards Commissioner after reports emerged out of unpaid VAT owed by his telecoms company. 

Thake formally wrote to the Commissioner for Standards and requested an investigation into the reports to identify whether he breached ethical standards at any point. 

Times of Malta reported that Thake’s company Vanilla Telecoms Ltd must pay €270,440 in pending VAT, interest and penalties. The PN posted a statement arguing that the current Labour government has long allowed for deferred tax payments so as to hand out breathing room to struggling companies recovering from the pandemic. 

Referring to MP Ian Castaldi Paris, the statement said that prime minister Robert Abela wants his Labour MP to evade any consequences of investigation after the tax authorities found €1 million in unexplained wealth. 

‘Here we have a case of another Nationalist MP who is being mistakenly accused by the police. He was accused of not paying tax when in fact he paid it, so much so that the charges against him were dropped.’ 


Photo Source: David Thake FB, Bernard Grech FB

More than 100 people getting the COVID jab for the first time everyday

More than 100 people getting the COVID jab for the first time everyday
Dec 30 2021 Share

The Vaccination Centre at the University of Malta has reported over 100 persons daily wishing to receive their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

With the attendance of around 800 under the age of 12 as well, Head Nurse Jorgen Souness told TVAM that those who have not been vaccinated may visit nine vaccination centres without having an appointment. 

Urging everyone to get their booster shot as is strengthens immunity agains the pandemic, he also said that all those holding an appointment time should keep to it but all those totally unvaccinated are also receiving the jab. 

Due to the Christmas seasonal vacations, attendance of kids for vaccines has also increased. Souness pointed out that 800 kids aged 11 and less are getting their boosters daily. Those over the age of 12 are placed in the adult section. 

Those aged over 12 and unvaccinated yet may visit the UOM Gateway daily without an appointment. Those aged under 11 will receive notification letters. Charge Nurse Emily Farrugia highlighted that the greatest public concern is the physical impact caused by vaccination. 

She however reminded everyone that side-effects by vaccines are very low and mild, especially when compared to what COVID infection does. Vaccination, along with the booster shot, has reduced hospitalisation due to COVID. 


Photo Source: DW, TopUniversities

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Malta registers over 10,000 active cases in yet another record

Malta registers over 10,000 active cases in yet another record
Dec 30 2021 Share

The COVID cases continue to spike in Malta as the island registers a whopping 10,137 active cases.

After registering 1353 new cases in the last 24 hours, Malta went over the 10,000 active case mark as it continuously broke both daily and active cases records in the past few days. 

All around the world, the Omicron variant is leading the spike as it is far more transmissible. However, it is allegedly less impactful than the other variants when it comes to severity of infection. 

In terms of hospitalisations however, Malta has 94 patients infected with COVID-19 in hospital, 6 of which are in the ITU.

Malta also managed to rollout 1,060,424 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, 213,816 of which were booster shots.  No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. 
