70% of adults officially fully vaccinated against COVID-19

70% of adults officially fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Jun 26 2021 Share

Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne announced on Saturday that 70% of Malta’s adult population has been fully vaccinated. Just over one month after Malta managed to administer at least the first jab to 70% of its population, the statistic shows the successful vaccine rollout Malta has managed. Malta achieved herd immunity on the 24th of May 2021, and is the first EU country to fully vaccinate 70% of adults, leading the 27 nation bloc in terms of vaccine rollout speed.

The Minister also stated how 81% have at least taken the first dose by now, with 650,000 total doses given. The focus was given to over-16s so far but the rollout is gradually moving to younger age groups. Parents can expect invitation letters to arrive soon as the battle against the pandemic continues.


Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB

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Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22.5 years in prison for George Floyd murder

Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22.5 years in prison for George Floyd murder
Jun 26 2021 Share

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22 years and six months in prison for second degree murder of George Floyd. Appearing in court on Friday, the 45-year-old was found guilty on three charges related to Floyd’s death two months beforehand. The sentence was a ten year increase to the state’s recommended sentencing. The prosecutors argued that Chauvin should face harsher sentencing due to a range of aggravating factors.

Judge Peter Cahill stated that the decision was not based on emotion or sympathy but added that he wanted to acknowledge the deep and tremendous pain all the families, especially the Floyd family, were feeling. The announcement followed victim impact statements from members of the Floyd family, including his 7-year-old daughter Gianna who stated that she missed her father and loved him.


Photo Source: MARCA, KTTC

Could Malta see a return to events as we know them in August?

Could Malta see a return to events as we know them in August?
Jun 25 2021 Share

The British Government has made way for an Event Research Programme which is set to take place between July 16-18 and will allow a number of pilot events in order to determine how events with larger crowd can take place as restrictions are eased.

Health officials will monitor and analyse the spread of COVID-19 amongst attendees within the different events, much like the similar scheme which had allowed a club event and sporting event.

The list of events includes seated and standing events with venues at full capacity and will monitor use of Covid passport through the UK’s NHS app.

In the past, Maltese health Authorities have attributed their national decisions to scientific outcomes, figures & examples from beyond our shores. This would mean that if the UK’s Event Research Programme is successful, Maltese Health Authorities may reconsider their current position and potentially be motivated to test out larger events in Malta.

Currently, large-scale campaigns such as entertainment and culture lobby ‘Restart’ have been calling for a restart to Malta’s events scene with controlled entrance and presentation of vaccine certificate, amongst other measures.


Maltese MEPs in split vote as ‘abortion’ report passes in European Parliament

Maltese MEPs in split vote as 'abortion' report passes in European Parliament
Jun 25 2021 Share

Maltese MEPs of both political parties exhibited a mixed voting patter on Thursday after the passing of the sensitive Matic report calling for universal access to safe and legal abortion in the EU.

Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer was the only Maltese MEP to vote in favour of the report, with fellow Labour MEP Alex Agius Saliba joining Nationalist MEPs Roberta Metsola and David Casa voting against while Labour MEPs Alfred Sant and Josianne Cutajar abstained.

The report raised a fair amount of controversy after Croatian MEP Predrag Fred Matic claiming a campaign of misinformation by a Polish anti-human rights organisation.

The report calls for a universal provision of contraceptive supplies, counselling and widespread information of contraception, amongst other proposals.
