To celebrate the anniversary from when equal marriage rights were legalised in Malta, Parliamentary Secretary Rebecca Buttigieg and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Reforms released a video to celebrate the relationship of Glen and Sandro.
The couple had been in a relationship for 20 years together, but got married 3 years ago.
Same sex marriage was legalised in 2017, following the passage of legislation in Parliament on July 12th 2017. The bill was signed into law by President Marie-Louise Coleiro on the 1st of August 2017.
The couple open up about how they were able to finally celebrate their life together after the massive leap forward in equal rights in Malta.
Glen is of course known for his representation of Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest as well as being the winner of the 2021 edition of Mużika Mużika with his song ‘Harsa Biss’.