6th Anniversary From Same-Sex Marriage Legalisation in Malta

6th Anniversary From Same-Sex Marriage Legalisation in Malta
Jul 12 2023 Share

To celebrate the anniversary from when equal marriage rights were legalised in Malta, Parliamentary Secretary Rebecca Buttigieg and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Reforms released a video to celebrate the relationship of Glen and Sandro. 

The couple had been in a relationship for 20 years together, but got married 3 years ago. 

Same sex marriage was legalised in 2017, following the passage of legislation in Parliament on July 12th 2017. The bill was signed into law by President Marie-Louise Coleiro on the 1st of August 2017.

The couple open up about how they were able to finally celebrate their life together after the massive leap forward in equal rights in Malta. 

Glen is of course known for his representation of Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest as well as being the winner of the 2021 edition of Mużika Mużika with his song ‘Harsa Biss’. 


Groups Condemn Hate Speech After EuroPride Dance Event

Groups Condemn Hate Speech After EuroPride Dance Event
Jul 12 2023 Share

A coalition of groups have issued a statement condemning ‘without reservation the degrading comments and the resulting hate speech spread online following the official EuroPride 2023 dance event held in Valletta last Saturday’. 

‘Moreover, we request maturity and responsibility from persons with a wide-reaching audience who unfortunately choose to use their public platform to promote discrimination and prejudice against the LGBTIQ+ community.’

‘‘Dancing with Pride’ was an event designed with everyone in mind, an all ages-appropriate celebration championing diversity and people coming together from the LGBTIQ community, their families, and allies. It intended to continue pushing Malta and Gozo further in favour of the pillars of democracy. As diverse as society is on our islands, we should be encouraging inclusion and understanding with people of all ages and backgrounds, not closing off in a bubble ignoring the diverse realities that surround us.’

The groups called out public figures, politicians and others in the media who ‘insist on judging families who voluntarily join a music and dance event, simply because the organisers are members of the LGBTIQ+ community. 

‘The derogatory comments imply that the LGBTIQ+ community should hide itself from certain categories of society. This attitude ignores the realities of LGBTIQ+ people and their families who form part of and contribute to society. Such a reaction is a reminder of why the need for Pride persists, and that despite the legal achievements, much work is left to be done to educate and change mentalities in the Maltese Islands.’

The statement was endorsed by ADITUS Foundation, ADPD, Allied Rainbow Communities, Drachma LGBTI, Drachma Parents, Equality Labour (Partit Laburista), LGBTI+ Gozo and MGRM. 


Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli Addresses Thalidomide Tragedy

Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli Addresses Thalidomide Tragedy
Jul 12 2023 Share

Maltese Minister for Inclusion, Julia Farrugia Portelli, delivered a speech in parliament that acknowledged a dark chapter in Malta’s history—the thalidomide tragedy. Minister Farrugia Portelli expressed the government’s commitment to addressing the long-standing injustice suffered by the victims and their families.

The Minister’s speech commenced by acknowledging the historical significance of the moment. She drew attention to a pivotal discourse held 61 years ago by Dom Mintoff, which initially highlighted the dangerous implications of the thalidomide drug. Mintoff’s warnings were tragically ignored, leading to the continued distribution of the medication and the subsequent birth of numerous children with severe disabilities. Minister Farrugia Portelli connected the present to the past, emphasizing the importance of learning from previous mistakes and taking responsibility for the welfare of those affected.

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Minister Farrugia Portelli called for justice for the victims of the thalidomide tragedy. She highlighted the lack of apologies and compensation received by Maltese victims, both from the pharmaceutical company responsible for manufacturing the drug and from the Maltese government that allowed its importation. This lack of accountability was starkly contrasted with the actions of other European countries, which had taken steps to rectify the situation. The Minister’s plea demanded acknowledgement, empathy, and recompense for the victims who had endured a lifetime of suffering.

Minister Farrugia Portelli announced significant initiatives. Firstly, she stated that the government would provide €3 million as a full and final settlement to the surviving victims of thalidomide. This financial compensation aimed to acknowledge the immense hardships endured by the victims and their families. Additionally, the Minister revealed plans to establish an independent board led by medical experts to assess each individual case, determining the extent of disability caused by the drug. These measures represented the government’s dedication to ensuring justice and support for the victims.

Minister Farrugia Portelli recognized that no amount of compensation or apology could undo the profound impact of the thalidomide tragedy. However, she emphasized that the government’s actions sought to heal wounds, restore dignity, and rebuild trust. The Minister acknowledged the trauma and psychological suffering experienced by the victims, emphasizing the need for compassion and understanding. By taking responsibility for the past and pursuing comprehensive solutions, the Maltese government aimed to provide a glimmer of hope to those affected, said the Minister.


Flares Were Hidden Near Intimate Parts, Police Reveal

Flares Were Hidden Near Intimate Parts, Police Reveal
Jul 12 2023 Share

The Malta Police Corp released a statement in regards to the incidents which occurred yesterday evening in the Centenary Stadium, Ta’ Qali, during the UEFA Champions League qualifier between Hamrun Spartans and Maccabi Haifa. 


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‘As with every other game, police conducted searches on every person entering the stadium. On some supporters of Maccabi Haifa, flares were found on their person, with some even hiding them near their intimate parts’, the police revealed. 

‘Despite all their efforts, the police did not manage to find all the flares which got into the stadium.’

‘The incidents which occurred yesterday occurred when some supporters of Maccabi Haifa lit up and threw flares. Police immediately convened to control the situation, with no persons suffering injuries. At no point did the supporters clash against each other.’


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It was revealed that 6 Israelis were taken out of the ground, with two of them being placed under arrest due to their use of the flares. They are expected to be taken to court in the coming hours. 
