Maintaining one’s self-esteem is a seemingly-trivial daily struggle which, in reality is of utmost importance due to its potential effect productivity and social interactions. Nowadays, self-worth is an increasingly popular topic and for good reason; which is why clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Dr. Edward Curmi is here to give us 6 ways to improve one’s self-esteem.
Dr. Edward Curmi is also the author of 2 self-help books titled Ed’s Common Sense.
1. Accept who you are with all your strengths and flaws. Perfection doesn’t exist!
2. Set small and realistic goals. Also allow yourself one or two achievable long term dreams.
3. Learn to live the moment and perceive your strengths and weakness as part of your destiny to becoming the person you are today.
4. Take good care of yourself and stop being so hard on yourself. You cannot be your worst enemy.
5. Stop comparing yourself to others. Remove people who constantly make you feel not good enough. Learn to invest and love yourself more.
6. Stop allowing the inner critic in yourself to give you a hard time. Get in touch with who or what makes you talk so harshly to yourself.
Do you suffer from low-esteem? Do you agree with these tips?