For those who haven’t watched it yet, Netflix’s ‘Don’t Look Up’ concerns a group of scientists who discover an incoming meteorite which will, in six months, wipe out the earth and, by extension, humanity. Here are six lessons we can take away from ‘Don’t Look Up:’
One – misinformation is very powerful. Listening from experts trained in their field in times of crises is crucial, especially when concerning our health and survival. Fake experts are everywhere, and reality is very tricky to navigate. This is why we need to source our data and not jump to conclusions based on beliefs and bias.
Two – your vote counts. One of the main concerns the characters faced throughout the film was finding people in power who had interests other than that of safeguarding the common good. Your vote can stop this from happening.
Three – What is our religious value? The movie ends (spoiler alert) with characters huddled up at a table and praying. Does this suggest that we only value religion when we need it? Or does religiosity itself trigger something within us we often ignore?
Four – The illusion of commodity usually negates the truth. The idea that our problems can be hidden behind a comfortable narrative often leads to people ignoring the facts and believe something else.
Five – The meteorite is a metaphor for other things. Climate change and COVID-19 are real issues we are facing in our lives which are also leading to divisions. Instead they should strengthen unity, listening to facts and work towards a better future.
Six – How will change occur? Which systemic changes need to happen to consider real issues with the attention they deserve? Criticism of the movie suggests that the satire can go deeper in offering us ways of how to deal with crisis.
What do you think? Do you find it possible to address major issues without turning against each other? Are we capable of showing our humanity through generosity and compassion when we truly need it?