Still got holiday blues? Do you already need a break from the office? Well, here’s your hush hush guide to which holidays will be falling when this year.
National Holidays

Freedom Day – Sunday 31st March
Sette Giugno – Friday 7th June
Victory Day – Sunday 8th September
Independence Day – Saturday 21st September
Republic Day – Friday 13th December
Public Holidays
New Year’s Day – Monday 1st January
Feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck – Saturday 10th February
Feast of St Joseph – Tuesday 19th March
Good Friday – Friday 29th March
Worker’s Day – Wednesday 1st May
Feast of St Peter and St Paul – Saturday 29th June
Feast of the Assumption – Thursday 15th August
Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Sunday 8th December
Christmas Day – Wednesday 25th December
In the upcoming year of 2024, a total of six significant national holidays in Malta will coincide with weekends.
This necessitates employers compensating for the “lost” days of rest by adding them to their employees’ leave entitlement.
The feasts of patron saint Paul (10th February), saints Peter and Paul (29th June), and Independence Day (21st September) will all fall on a Saturday, whereas Freedom Day (31st March) aligns with Easter Sunday, pushing Good Friday to the 29th of March.
Similarly, Victory Day (8th September) and the Immaculate Conception (8th December) both fall on a Sunday.
Maltese labor law dictates that if a national or public holiday occurs on a Saturday or Sunday, workers are entitled to an additional day of vacation leave, supplementing their annual leave entitlement for that particular year.
In 2024, you’ll also get two more extended weekends due to the Sette Giugno commemoration (7th June) and Republic Day (13th December), both falling on a Friday. New Year’s Day was the sole holiday falling on a Monday for this year.