6 Out Of Every 10 Maltese People Experience Overall Happiness

Six Out Of Ten Maltese People Report Experiencing Overall Happiness
Mar 20 2025 Share

A recent study by the NSO found that 79.5% of individuals in private households rate their general health as good, with 29.6% reporting a chronic illness.

Satisfaction levels were high for personal relationships, scoring an average of 8.6 out of 10, though time use satisfaction was lower at 6.7.

In terms of emotional well-being, 60.2% of respondents reported feeling happy most of the time, while 34.0% rarely experienced nervousness or agitation.


Malta’s Tap Water Has Never Been Better; New initiative launched

Malta’s Tap Water Has Never Been Better; New initiative launched
Mar 20 2025 Share

A new initiative to encourage the consumption of tap water was launched today by the Minister for the Environment and Energy, Miriam Dalli, marking a significant step in Malta’s water management history.

The initiative, under the theme “Iftaħ u Ixrob,” aims to encourage Maltese families to embrace the country’s improved tap water, with simple solutions available to enhance its taste further.

“We have delivered on our promise to provide the best tap water this country has ever had. Now, we want Maltese families to fully embrace this resource by installing activated carbon filters to further improve taste. The government will be supporting people in acquiring these filters,” said Minister Dalli at the launch.

The use of activated carbon filters will enhance water quality across Malta and Gozo.

Public Health Professor Charmaine Gauci reassured the public that tap water in Malta has always been safe to drink. “There was a perception that the water wasn’t good due to its taste. Tap water has always been safe, and now we are addressing the taste to make it even better,” she stated.

During the event, the Water Services Corporation (WSC) revealed that, thanks to significant investments in recent years, Malta and Gozo now benefit from uniform water quality. Previously, water taste varied across different localities, but these improvements have harmonised the taste across the islands.


Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona To Be Laid To Rest On Saturday

Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona To Be Laid To Rest On Saturday
Mar 20 2025 Share

The funeral of Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona O.P. will take place this Saturday the 22nd of March at 9:30am at St. John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta.

The funeral Mass will be held ‘praesente cadavere’ and will be presided over by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna.

Following the Mass, the body of Archbishop Cremona will be laid to rest in the Cathedral’s crypt. The funeral is expected to be attended by members of the clergy, the government, and the Maltese community, reflecting his deep connection with both the Church and the State.

Archbishop Scicluna shared a message where he expressed the Church’s profound sorrow, recalling Archbishop Cremona’s faithful service to the Maltese people throughout his life. He will be remembered for his dedication, leadership, and spiritual guidance.


School Van Driver Found Operating With Revoked License & No Insurance

School Van Driver Found Operating With Revoked License & No Insurance
Mar 20 2025 Share

Last week, the Malta Police Force joined forces with European law enforcement agencies for the ‘RoadPol Seat Belt Pan-European Operation’. The initiative focused on seat belt enforcement,
particularly in school vans.

During the operation, 64 school vans were stopped and officers spoke to children about the importance of wearing seat belts, not only on school transport but also when traveling in cars with parents or guardians.

In one incident, a van driver was found operating with a revoked license and no insurance. The driver was prohibited from continuing the journey, and parents were contacted to pick up the children.

Throughout the operation, 350 vehicles were stopped, resulting in 104 summonses issued for seat belt violations and other traffic offences.

In a recent press release, the Malta Police Force stated how the message remains clear: “Always wear your seat belt on every journey, in every vehicle, it could save a life!”
