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557 fines issued for COVID-19 regulation breaches

557 fines issued for COVID-19 regulation breaches
Jun 14 2021 Share

Covid19 Malta reported that a total of 557 fines were issued in the past week (7th June to 13th June). A total of 5000 inspections were carried out on various establishments. The easing of measures did not mean the lack of enforcement as 14 establishments were found to be breaking COVID-19 regulations and were thus fined.

2 other fines were issued in relation to illegal mass gatherings, with 3 people found to be breaching quarantine. 538 individuals were not abiding by the mask wearing health restriction. All this amounted up to the 557 fines issued throughout the week.


Photo Source: Malta Police Force FB

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New and improved Footloose set for reopening on Wednesday

New and improved Footloose set for reopening on Wednesday
Jun 14 2021 Share



One of Paceville’s oldest clubs, Footloose Fun Bar, closed its doors for refurbishment for the past few months. But now its ready for its grand reopening next Wednesday, having teased lovers of the club all throughout its recreation process. The refurbishment will be revitalising the Paceville experience after several months awaiting a return to club and bars following the pandemic.






The new design includes everything from popping logos, the iconic King and Queen crowns of Footloose and a huge expansion of the bar. We just cannot wait for its grand reopening this Wednesday and we hope you are looking forward to it as well!



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8 clever ways to handle overthinking

Jun 14 2021 Share
  1. Live in day tight compartments.

  2. Exercise mindfulness on a daily basis.

  3. Develop emotional intelligence.

  4. Schedule 5 minute worry times.

  5. Learn to distinguish between realistic and junk thoughts.

  6. Remember all the times when you worried unnecessarily.
  7. Overthinking is all about anxiety and not factual.

  8. Buy a self-help book on cognitive behavioural therapy



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Two men arrested for drug possession in separate cases

Two men arrested for drug possession in separate cases
Jun 14 2021 Share

The Malta Police Force arrested two men, a Maltese of 42-years and an Italian of 55-years, over separate drug related crimes. The first was arrested with the assistance of the Customs Department after having been found in possession of around 9kg cannabis hidden in electronic apparatus. Police also confiscated around 150g of what is suspected to be cocaine from his apartment. The street value of the drugs amounts to around €189,000.

The second was extradited to Malta from Italy on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant to undergo criminal procedures for drug possession and importation. Both plead not guilty and were kept under arrest. Leading the prosecution are Inspectors Mark Mercieca, Stephen Micallef and Marshall Mallia.


Photo Source: Malta Police Force

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