
51 hospitalised and 11 died due to obesity in Malta in 2 years

51 hospitalised and 11 died due to obesity in Malta in 2 years
Jan 17 2023 Share

According to a parliamentary question response provided by Health Minister Chris Fearne, 11 people lost their life due to obesity or extra weight during the year 2022. 

The minister said that from 2020 until October of 2022, 51 people were hospitalised with the primary diagnosis being obesity. 

He added how during the year 2020, there were 11 deaths reported due to the same condition. 2020 is the only year wherein statistics for this hospitalisation and mortality rate are available. 

People suffering from obesity are considered as those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 30kg. On the other hand, those with extra weight are those with a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg. 

Malta has, according to the Data World Obesity statistics provider, a 6.5 out of 10 national risk of obesity. This is considered a moderate risk but the hopes of Malta reaching the obesity reduction goals by 2025 are considered slim.

Men and boys were found to be at more risk of obesity than women in Malta as well having an increased rate of becoming obese between 1995 and 2015. 


Temperatures could feel as cold as -1°C this weekend

Temperatures could drop as low as -1°C this weekend
Jan 17 2023 Share

As Malta braces for the stormy polar cyclone nicknamed Thor, weather forecasts are bracing those living on the island for insanely chilling temperatures which could drop to as low as -1°C. 

Earlier this month, it was reported how an intense wintertime heat dome had covered much of Europe, which broke records in the process. 

Various countries accustomed to chilly and even snowy weather, such as France, Poland and western Russia, saw temperatures as high as 10 to 20°C as the calendar marked 2023. 

It was also reported, by the Malta Meteorological Office, how 2022 was the second driest year of the past decade, having recorded just 368mm of rain. 

This could however change this week, as the storms expected to kick off this Thursday are expected to bring freezing temperatures as well as hail in various instances. 

The temperatures already feel as low as 12°C for this Tuesday, 17th January. But this seems to be just the beginning for what is in store for the islands. 


Whopping €36,738 raised for Ena Marie as she battles brain tumour

Whopping €36,738 raised for Ena Marie as she battles brain tumour
Jan 17 2023 Share

After appeals to help 15-year-old Ena Marie Mifsud through donations as she battles a brain tumour she was diagnosed with before Christmas were issued, the fundraiser managed to rack a whopping €36,738.

This means that the fundraiser is already 734% funded, and there’s still 42 days left to go for the end of the fundraiser. 

This follows several people taking to social media to share the fundraiser to help Ena Marie and her family to urge people to donate what they can – and the generosity pf people clearly shone through! 

Ena Marie is undergoing the treatment, which will reportedly take around 9 months, in London’s Great Ormond Hospital. 

The fundraiser is being supported by Ena Marie’s aunt Jeanette Zammit, who will be running 50km on her 50th birthday to rise funds on the 29th of January 2023. 

Ena herself will be cutting and donating her air to London charity ‘Little Princess Trust’ as an act of solidarity and support for those suffering just like her. 

You can donate here. 


Moviment Graffiti & pro-choice activists lambast prosed abortion law changes

Moviment Graffiti & pro-choice activists lambast prosed abortion law changes
Jan 17 2023 Share

Moviment Graffiti issued a statement critiquing the new changes made to Bill 28, which seeks to decriminalise abortion in Malta, as potentially harming women.

The two changes announced by Prime Minister Robert Abela state that, first, a structure will be established to determine when women are at serious risk and thus needing an abortion and; second, a legal requisite was announced to ensure no viable pregnancy was terminated. 

‘Pro-choice experts have agreed and have published their position’ the activists said. 

The proposed structure will only delay medical treatment when it is necessary, the activists argued. ‘Abortions in the case of serious risk to life should be taken by the mother in consultancy with the doctor and the people she wishes to consult with herself.’

The second proposal was critiqued on the two distinct definitions of ‘viable’. The first definition refers to the ability of a foetus to survive outside of the pregnant woman. The second definition refers to any pregnancy which could result in the birth of a live newborn if the pregnancy is continued. 

‘If the second definition is applied’ the activists said, ‘women with a serious risk to their physical or mental wellbeing can have an abortion refuted due to their pregnancy being deemed viable – making the amendment futile.’ 

The activists are urging the Prime Minister to keep the spirit of the bill alive, which is to protect pregnant women in grave danger without any delay. The PM should also be more transparent with the proposed amendments and should deliver them as soon as possible. ‘As we always insisted, Bill 28 is the bare minimum’ the statement concluded. 
