Minister for Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri revealed that around €16 million in COVID-19 vouchers have been spent in the first six weeks since the second batch was introduced. This is a third of the recently released €50 million batch, with most used at retail outlets, eateries and accommodations amongst other services. 37,851 people are still to collect them from their respective post branches after the second round of €100 vouchers were released for everyone aged over 16 in June.
The minister also revealed how if one sees the multiplier effect of the first round of vouchers last year, it would mean that for every €1 spent in vouchers, an additional €1 was spent. Of the €16 million spent in these six weeks, which occurred through around 500,000 transactions, €6 million were digital vouchers, whilst €10 were physical vouchers. The average daily transaction value stands at €390,000 whereas average weekend daily transaction (Friday to Sunday) racks up to €624,000.
Photo Source: Silvio Schembri FB