
5 study habits you should adopt during exam season

5 study habits you should adopt during exam season
Jan 16 2023 Share

Exam season is here, but remain calm. Whilst studying is the primary solution to all of your problems, there are a number of habits you could adopt to make your studying experience easier. This year, Malta Daily and PwC are coming together to give you a helping hand, here are 5 study habits you should adopt during exam season:

1. Find a good studying spot

Study Feng Shui is a thing and we cannot recommend it enough. Finding the perfect spot to study, maintain good posture and rest all of your necessary equipment is the perfect starting point to your exam journey.

2. Shut down social media

One of studying’s biggest enemies. Social media notifications will attempt to deviate you from your path but if you eliminate them completely from your study circle, you’ll be saving yourself so much time.

3. Organise your notes

This is best kept in mind on the first day of the semester but if, along the way, you manage to make a disaster out of your notes, there still is hope. Organise your notes on a topic-by-topic basis and give yourself space to understand the context.

4. Plants, music and aromatherapy

Oftentimes, science enjoys tinkering with nature but in the case of studying, nature does in fact contribute in a positive way. Multiple studies state that lavender has positive effects on memory whilst sandalwood and frankincense may help with focus.

5. Eat brain food

Your mind and body need the proper nutrients to function and consuming superfoods may give you the boost you need to take your studies to the next level. These include blueberries, avocados, walnuts, broccoli, fatty fish and yoghurt.


5 scientifically proven ways of studying better in 2023

5 scientifically proven ways of studying better in 2023
Jan 16 2023 Share

The new year means new challenges and hopefully new ways of overcoming them. Exam season is here and we wholeheartedly believe that, while it will not solve all of your problems, maximising your approach towards studying will definitely help. Malta Daily and PwC are here to help you do it! Here are 7 scientifically proven ways of studying better in 2023:

1. Study in intervals

Cramming one semester’s worth of academic content into one sitting often leads to fatigue, frustration and depression because you can only learn and absorb so much information in a few hours. So if you want to properly process and remember your work, divide it into intervals and take one step at a time.

2. Revise already-studied content

If you want to study effectively, reviewing concepts more than once will more than help to establish them in your mind. Multiple studies suggest that revisiting notes multiple times will give you a better chance of retaining the information, effectively preparing you for exam day.

3. Test your memory

When you finish a topic, close your books, take out a blank sheet of paper and structurally write down whatever comes to mind on the subject at hand without referring to your notes.

4. Exercise before studying

Exercise contributes to improved brain function and health in general, also feeding your brain the necessary nutrients to increase attention and memory retention rate. Whether it’s going for a walk, bike ride or a bit of strength training, make sure you exercise before studying.

5. Get a good night’s sleep

Say it louder for the people in the back. We feel that all-nighters have become standard for students from all walks of life and we can’t stress how wrong that is. A good night’s sleep makes a healthy brain, so if you actually want to remember what you are reading, sleep well.


Luxury cars & £3.2 million seized from Andrew Tate Bucharest home

Luxury cars & £3.2 million seized from Andrew Tate Bucharest home
Jan 16 2023 Share

Detectives investigating human trafficking claims against controversial social media influencer Andrew Tate seized upwards of £3.2 million worth of assets from his Bucharest home. 

Romanian authorities said that 29 assets, including luxury vehicles, watches and cash were taken from Tate. 

A Rolls-Royce, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz were seen being taken from Tate’s compound on the outskirts of the capital on Saturday. 

Tate himself, along with his brother Tristan, has been detained on suspicion of human trafficking and rape. Having been arrested at the end of the last year, Tate denies the allegations. 

The Bucharest court of appeals rejected the challenge to the 30-day arrest warrant, saying they should remain in custody. 

The country’s organised crime agency Diicot previously stated Tate’s belongings were being confiscated to prevent them being concealed, to help pay for the investigation and to pay damages to victims if suspects are convicted. 


People are losing it learning what ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ scores mean

People are losing it learning what ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ scores mean
Jan 16 2023 Share

One of the internet’s biggest determiners of a movie or series’ ratings is ‘Rotten Tomatoes’, which provides an overall score out of 100 for the latest releases. 

However, despite being active for quite a while now, the reason as to why the score is called ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ is just being discovered by people – and it is blowing their minds. 

A TikTok clip was uploaded by user @mistekan, who wrote: “When someone explains to me how a high percentage on Rotten Tomatoes means it was good because people didn’t throw the tomatoes and they became rotten.”



♬ What Taylors Version – Troy

Racing up a whopping 5.7 million views and over 1 million likes, the comment section showed exactly how baffled people were by this revelation. 

Many reportedly thought that the reason a movie had a high score on Rotten Tomatoes was because they were rotten like tomatoes (a.k.a. bad).

The way it actually works is that movies with at least 60% positive reviews get a red tomato to indicate the ‘Fresh’ status. Meanwhile, films with less than 60% positive reviews get a green splat to indicate a ‘Rotten’ status. 

The tomatoes of course harken back to the time audience members would throw vegetables and fruit at horrible plays and performances. 


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