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5% of students feel Malta’s education system prepares them for everyday life

5% of students feel Malta’s education system prepares them for everyday life
Sep 27 2022 Share

As the Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) launch their Education Reform Campaign, a new survey issued by the same organisation highlighted the sentiments by various groups towards Malta’s educational system. 

In terms of student sentiments, KSU found that only 5% of student respondents felt that the Maltese education system prepares them for everyday life. Conversely, 99.9% expressed their wishes of being taught financial literacy coding and other non-traditional skills. 

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With 24% feeling that their method of assessment suits their course, KSU proposed that students are given a more flexible approach to education, allowing for ‘multiple areas of study combined with nontraditional skills that cater for different interests, capabilities and learning patterns. 

Meanwhile, 90% of parents expressed that they would like to be more involved in their children’s education. 61% of parents are always home when their children return home from school, and 57% said that they would be interested in being involved on individual school boards. 

KSU are advocating for the formalisation of Parent-Teacher partnerships which involve school bards allowing for representation of both educators and parents. 

Taking a look at persons with disabilities involved in the education system, 16% of physically and/or mentally impaired respondents felt that they were catered for in their respective schools. 75% of respondents did not feel included within their schools.

And what about educators? 84% felt reform fatigue, with another 86% saying they are not satisfied with the system. A whopping 98% support more autonomy in some form, prompting KSU to advocate for a more competitive salary, a professional development grant, quality classrooms and fringe benefits. 

The survey also found that 96% of respondents felt that the government is not doing enough to improve the education system. And finally, 85% of respondents agreed on having staff assisting school administrations to deal with school logistics. 

You can read more about KSU proposals here. 


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Campaign for new equipment could see cancer patients treated in Malta

Campaign for new equipment could see cancer patients treated in Malta
Sep 27 2022 Share

Pink Oct-Mov’22,  the annual nationwide educational  campaign could see some  cancer patients getting their treatment in Malta instead of having to go abroad. 

As the campaign  educates, raises awareness and gathers funds, your generous offers could go into acquiring a Canon Aplio diagnostic ultrasound system, which provides ‘brachytherapy’. 

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Unfortunately, no such therapy is conducted in Malta and all patients have to travel to London to get such treatment. This does not come without its challenges, but The Marigold Foundation seeks to ease these troubles for already suffering individuals. 

The team at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre are currently working with the International Atomic Energy Agency to bring brachytherapy to Malta in the next few years, so that patients no longer need to travel to the UK for this purpose.

The announcement of this mission came during a press conference held by The Marigold Foundation and presented by Michelle Muscat under the patronage of  First Lady Mrs Miriam Vella. 

As Pink October extends its awareness to not just breast cancer but also ovarian, cervical and male cancers, the acquisition of such an instrument could prove pivotal in saving travel costs, pressures and above all else, lives.

If you would like to support Pink Oct-Mov ’22 please visit the Pink Oct-Mov Facebook Page, Instagram or marigold.org.mt/pink. 

To learn more on Pink Oct – Mov ’22’s events this month or donate on the numbers below:

SMS Donations 50619238 for €11.65

CALL Donations 51702052 €15 51802053 €25

MOBILE PAY number 99912373 for amounts up to €500


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5 reasons why the mid-term holidays are PERFECT for a trip to Sicily

5 reasons why the mid-term holidays are PERFECT for a trip to Sicily
Sep 27 2022 Share

One can argue that holidays are the glue that preserve our sanity as we soldier on our everyday lives, but despite this, they are never enough. After a summer of enjoyment, the yearning for a mini-trip remains and a holiday costing thousands right before the Christmas break seems like a big no-no. Thankfully, Virtu Ferries’ perks & prices make a Sicily trip sound just right & here are 5 reasons why the mid-term holidays are PERFECT time for it.

Hotel prices are discounted

Beyond having one of the lowest costs of living in Europe, Sicily’s prices tend to drop after the busy summer season due to an expected decrease in demand. Pay a visit to Sicily and benefit from a budget-friendly experience unlike any other whilst still enjoying the finer things in life.

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Best time for wine

Sicily is home to the longest wine harvest in Italy at over 100 days, and multiple wine producers are expecting very good fruit this season, despite over two and a half months of heat waves with no rain this summer. Whether you plan to visit a vineyard or go on a typical Sicilian wine tour, it’s definitely worth booking your ferry tickets now.

Weather is perfect for hiking

It seems like this summer was one of the hottest ever and after three long months of blistering heat and scorching weather, enjoying some time in Sicily’s gorgeous landscape sounds like a breeze (pun intended). From Mount Etna to Parco dei Nebrodi, the hiking possibilities are absolutely endless and take a literal breather in some gorgeous scenery is not only enjoyable but therapeutic.

We could all do with some fresh air

At the end of the day, Malta is our home and we can’t help but love it, but we’d be lying if we said we didn’t enjoy taking in the crisp, fresh air other countries have to offer. So if a short, cost-friendly getaway in gorgeous Mediterranean scenery is what you’re looking for, visit Virtu Ferries website and book your holiday now!

Virtu Ferries have got you sorted

Virtu Ferries offer competitive prices at absolutely incredible value whilst also accommodating passengers with unmatched customer service. With increased frequency and flexibility via two vessels performing the route to Pozzallo with an option to change the data & a cancellation policy up to 24 hours before departure, a holiday never seemed so easily within reach.

So what are you waiting for? Think ahead, book now and spend the mid-term holidays in Sicily!


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Bolt proposes GoTo parking spaces be used for e-scooters

Bolt proposes GoTo parking spaces be used for e-scooters
Sep 27 2022 Share

Following the announcement that popular electricity vehicle sharing app GoTo will be terminating services in Malta by the 30th of September, Bolt has proposed to the government to use the future vacant parking spots for the e-scooters. 

The issue of parking for the e-scooters has picked up heat in recent months as many complained that the scooters were being left recklessly all over roads and pavements. 

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When asked about the proposal by MaltaDaily, Country manager for Rentals at Bolt Malta Kristian Kobescak said: 

‘Our goal is to provide cities with the best solutions to the most pressing mobility challenges, and parking is currently one of them. Bolt strongly believes that these parking spots, if turned into the electric scooter parking area, could lend a helping hand in solving the parking problem in Malta.’ 

‘We would be pleased to open a dialogue with the authorities and discuss potential collaboration.’ 

According to the GoTo’s user guide, the company had around 450 on-street parking spots reserved to its electric-vehicle cars, with most in the Eastern region where they are most popular. The withdrawal statement by GoTo came after an accident saw an underage driver crashing a vehicle into a wall and injuring the passengers. 


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