
5 last minute gift ideas which will save your Valentine’s Day

Feb 14 2022 Share

Valentine’s Day is literally around the corner and while some of you may have prepared a romantic weekend full of gifts and activities, others may have taken it for granted and completely forgot to buy their significant other a token of gratitude on this special occasion. Now; while there is some cause for alarm, there is no need to panic because you can easily pull together a special Valentine’s Day gift in such short notice.

Couples Activities from Karti bil-Bajd, BDL Books & More

One of the most difficult things about a relationship is keeping it active, especially if you’ve been together for a long time. Thankfully, Malta boasts a roster of impeccably creative minds who have managed to develop a select number of board games and activities for speakers of the Maltese language.

Whether you want to challenge your partner’s trivia with an intense game of L-Għaref ta’ Salamun or prefer to take a more comedic approach with Karti Bil-Bajd, there are definitely enough games to go around.

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Sweet Treats from Mannarinu Caterers

Sweets are often the key to anyone’s heart and Mannarinu’s various Valentine’s packages will surely woo anyone with a sweet tooth. Their €20 Valentine Treat Box contains 2 muffins, 2 pink doughnuts, 1 heart-shaped biscuit, 2 pink macaroons and 4 chocolates, which means there’s something inside for both you and your partner.

Beyond their sweets range, they also offer a Stay-At-Home Dinner Date For Two which includes everything from Lobster Pasta to Beef Wellington.


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Jewellery from Carisma Collections

Carisma Collections are never short of gorgeous jewellery and their Valentine’s Day collections are definitely worth taking a look at. If, by chance, you happened to forget your partner’s Valentine’s gift, an impromptu visit to Carisma Collection’s website will definitely save you.

Check out their website or social media pages and pick out the ideal token of love and respect for your partner from their various collections.

Clothing from Parascandalo

With the endless amount of ways of saying ‘I Love You’ to your partner, why not say it with a piece of clothing? Better yet, personalise that piece of clothing and give your partner a lasting symbol of your endless love which they can wear!

This year, Parascandalo’s Kemm Inħobbok collection not only allows you to gift your partner a symbol of your eternal love, but personalise it and give them a reason to remember you every day.


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Flowers from every corner in Malta

The perfect pinnacle of last-minute purchases and the pricey saviour of forgetful partners who may have taken this year’s Valentine’s Day for granted. You’ll find these Potpourri purveyors at every village square and corner, selling the ideal last-minute Valentine’s tokens such as flowers, soft toys and if you’re lucky, even chocolates.

The flower vans and stalls are often a last-ditch efforts to save the day and have definitely come in clutch more times than one, so if you’re still gift-less, you might want to search for a flower stall after work.

Good luck and Happy Valentine’s Day!


Ryan Hili opens up after XFactor and first ‘Boys’ victory

Ryan Hili opens up after XFactor and first ‘Boys’ victory
Feb 14 2022 Share

The X-Factor Season 3 Finale was an eventful evening, with stellar performances and massive surprises. Following his victory, Ryan Hili took to social media to open up about the experience and his journey on the competition. ‘I don’t know know where to start!’ he exclaimed in his post, describing the past few months as ‘impeccable.’ 

Hili however revealed that he was ‘hesitant as [he] thought it was going to be a massive struggle, but now [he is] so thankful that [he] didn’t hold back and went for it.’Ryan had revealed that he had never performed in front of large audiences before, so his path to the top came as a bit of a surprise for him. For the audience however, who voted him victor, were constantly amazed by his control of voice and depth. 

He continued by saying that ‘being the first ever male to win for the boys’ category is truly an honour. I believe that it is very important to have more Maltese male soloists come forward and pursue a career in music. It’s a pity that there are only a few in the music industry here in Malta.’ He dedicated the rest of his post to thanking those who supported him. He thanked his mentor Howard Keith for pushing him and teaching him all the things he needed to become a great artist and performer. 

He extended his gratitude to the producers, directors and everyone who had a hand in the competition. Of course, he thanked the other 12 contestants who made the experience memorable and unforgettable. Finally, he expressed how thankful he was of all his fans who voted and supported him throughout the competition. ‘I am honestly so blessed to be surrounded with so many people and I look forward to working on more music and share it with you very soon.’ 


Man handed 18-month suspended sentence after pleading guilty to revenge porn

Man handed 18-month suspended sentence after pleading guilty to revenge porn
Feb 13 2022 Share

A 33-year-old German national working in Malta has been handed an 18-month prison sentence, suspended for three years, after pleading guilty to charges made against him relating to revenge porn.

The man was arraigned in the Court of Malta on Sunday afternoon after being accused of maliciously sharing photos of his former partner without her consent. The man was also charged with attempt to use force to hurt his ex-girlfriend, failing to report the loss of his passport and improper use of electronic communications equipment.

The man’s former partner, a Maltese national, went to the police after becoming aware being notified by her friend that her pictures were being shared. The man ultimately pleaded guilty to all charges in the arraignment, carrying a maximum of two years imprisonment or a fine of up to €5,000. Defense lawyer Daniel Attard argued that the man shared the pictures amongst a small group of friends.

The names in the case were not revealed as to protect the victim’s identity.


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The Pope is calling on the Maltese government to treat migrants with humanity, say NGOs

Feb 13 2022 Share

Non-Governmental Organisations working in the local field of migration have stated that the Pope has sent a clear message to the Maltese Government and that is to treat migrants with humanity and dignity.

These organisations have stated that Pope Francis’ April visit to Malta and the Ħal Far Peace Lab in particular will hopefully shine a light on the trials and tribulations migrants have faced on the island, including their treatment and living conditions.

A 2021 Council of Europe report highlighted how Malta “risked jeopardising the right to life of people at sea”, with the Council’s Human Rights Commissioner calling the Safi detention centre’s living conditions ‘deplorable’.

Human rights NGO ‘Aditus Foundation’ president Neil Falzon stated how Malta has dehumanised migrants with pushbacks, detention, racism and exclusion whilst “proudly proclaiming the nation’s faith and values”, going on to highlight how the Pope has conveyed a clear message of humanity and dignity.

What do you make of this?


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