On Sunday morning, five girls aged up to 12 years old from Ħal Safi were found on the steps of the Parish Church selling pearl bracelets they had made themselves in recent days and weeks to raise money for Puttinu Cares. This non-governmental organization works with children diagnosed with serious illnesses. The initiative is part of a parish program for local children called ‘Kids,’ which provides them with opportunities to help others during their summer holidays.
When asked how they came up with the idea and why they specifically decided to help Puttinu, the girls expressed their concern for all the children like them who need the care provided by Puttinu. After the nine o’clock Mass on Sunday, four of the five girls—Mia Marmara, Elena Gatt, Kate Camilleri, and Nicole Balzan—set up a stall with the help of their parents, displaying about fifty bracelets they had made together. Gabrielle Abdilla, also part of the group, was unable to attend as she was feeling unwell. The bracelets were priced at two euros each. Many parishioners also donated money without purchasing anything, simply to support the initiative.
The four girls made a collective appeal for greater social solidarity toward those who are less fortunate, saying, “Help others… help others, even if it’s at the risk of suffering… do everything for the glory of God… let’s help those in need.”
Puttinu Cares is currently working on its largest project in the heart of London to renovate a large building that was purchased with direct contributions from the public, as well as with support from the Maltese Government, to accommodate more families of children who need treatment in the city. This is in addition to the apartments it already owns in Sutton.
source: one.com.mt