The year is 2021 and self-care is as important as ever. Whether it’s taking care of your mental health or making sure you are in tip-top shape, taking care of oneself should always be a priority. Naturally, one of the most tedious and demanding self-care routines is controlling body hair, but you can kiss those problems goodbye thanks to laser hair removal. The convenient procedure rids you of any excess body hair in a few easy steps and here are some of its benefits:
You’ll Save Money in the Long Run
One of laser hair removal’s primary benefits is the amounts you save on razors and shaving supplies. Upkeep and maintenance will be a thing of the past and you can forget spending money on waxing strips, shaving foam or any other products as the treatment will have you covered for quite a while. To make things even better, the gentle and effective process will make sure you are as comfortable as possible doing it.
Eliminate Ingrown Hairs
Since laser hair removal quite literally goes to the root of the problem, it is the best and most effective way of removing ingrown hairs. This will save you numerous painful experiences as the procedure tackles the problem from the root or the hair follicle and thus eliminates ingrown hairs once and for all. Once the follicle will no longer be able to produce hair, the area will begin to heal and you are covered.
It Saves Time
Apart from saving hundreds, if not thousands, on shaving-related products, laser hair removal will save you hours of upkeep by bypassing the habitual pre-outing shave. By signing up for the procedure, you are making more time for yourself by being clean shaven and ready to go, no matter what the situation. Save yourself months of shaving and maintenance in around 6 sessions with 6-8 week intervals, depending on the treated area.
Gives you lasting results and leaves your skin smoother and silkier
Due to the fact that laser hair removal will tackle hair from the follicles, the procedure will give you lasting silky smooth skin. The laser is attracted to the melanin in the hair follicle, where it is converted into heat energy. Thus, it destroys the stem cell in the hair follicle and prevent future growth. Naturally, one should note that people with darker hair and lighter skin are easier to treat as there is a greater difference between the amount of melanin in the skin and hair.
Good for all body areas, and ideal prior to tattooing
The extraordinary process makes use of Candela GentleLase Pro and Candela GentleLase Pro-U technology which will not only deliver quality treatment in a fraction of the usual time but utilise top of the range cooling devices to ensure maximum comfort. Beyond being FDA approved, the treatments are gentle effective and offer the desired results at the lowest possible price.
Send this to someone who needs laser hair removal ASAP.