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48 people fined €10,000 for being in public after testing positive

Oct 24 2020 Share

Following the Superintendent for Health’s conference regarding the local COVID-19 situation, it was revealed that 48 people were dealt a €10,000 fine each for going out in public while being positive for COVID-19.

Professor Gauci also revealed that the Health Authorities have conducted a total of 78,224 inspections of people who were in quarantine to assure that everyone is at home.

115 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 39 recoveries

Oct 24 2020 Share

Malta has registered 115 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,144 swab tests, while 39 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

Today’s cases are still being investigated. From yesterday’s cases; 43 cases were family members of previously known cases, 12 cases were contact of positive work colleagues, 4 cases were direct contacts with other positive cases, 1 case was from social gatherings with other positive cases, 3 cases from Paceville and 4 cases were imported.

To date, Malta has registered 5,373 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 3,478 have recovered, 50 died and 1,845 are still active.


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Local police patrolling to ensure mask-wearing

Oct 24 2020 Share

Starting last Friday, anyone caught without a mask in public places may be subject to a fine up to €100. 

Thus, local police have been doing the rounds to ensure mask-wearing in all public places. 

Police Inspector Sarah Zerafa stated that it is not out of the ordinary for officers to the rounds, but now there will be a further emphasis on the enforcement of mask-wearing and the patrols will be heavily focused on this.


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COVID-19 death toll in Malta hits 50

Oct 24 2020 Share

Maltese health authorities announced early on Saturday announced that the country’s death toll from the novel coronavirus rose to 50.

The Health Ministry said that a 77-year-old man, who lived at a home for the elderly and had other chronic health conditions, had died.

The ministry urged people to practise social distancing and adhere to all COVID-19 safety protocols.


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