According to a report by the Maltese Authority for the Protection of Embryos, it was revealed that in the last 9 years, 404 babies were born through the IVF process.
260 out of these 404 children, which Health Minister Chris Fearne has repeatedly described as ‘little miracles’, were born in Mater Dei Hospital.
The report was presented in parliament last Monday as the newly appointed Labour government focuses on changing the law when it comes to IVF after Prime Minister Robert Abela pledged to address the issues within 100 days of being elected.
Throughout last year, 904 procedures were approved for assisted procreation. There were a total of 194 cycles of IVF, as well as 123 cycles of insemination. These resulted in a total of 57 pregnancies.
Of these, 51 were IVF and 6 were carried out through insemination known as IUI. Two of them involved the donation of sperm. The same report shows that, ever since the amendments were implemented in 2018, there were 364 embryos which were used in the process of IVF.