
40% of Maltese population received first vaccine dose

40% of Maltese population received first vaccine dose
Apr 5 2021 Share

40% of the Maltese population has officially received the first jab of the COVID-19 vaccine. As of 5th April 2021, Malta has administered 215,700 vaccines, of which 59,032 were second doses.

40% tal-popolazzjoni f'🇲🇹 ħadet l-ewwel doża tal-vaċċin kontra l-Covid-1940% of the Maltese population administered the first dose of Covid-19 vaccinesaħħa

Posted by Covid19 Malta on Monday, 5 April 2021

Malta has been utilising the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines and is awaiting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which can be administered to younger age groups. Apart from the vaccine roll-out, which according to the Health Authorities is the main weapon against the virus, various mitigation health measures are in place. Cases have also significantly dropped meaning that the rollout accompanied by the measures are having the desired effect.


Breaking: Keith Schembri granted bail

Breaking: Keith Schembri granted bail
Apr 5 2021 Share

Former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri has been granted bail over the charges in relation to corruption, money laundering and criminal conspiracy. Schembri was granted bail against a €60,000 deposit along with a personal guarantee of €90,000. Ordered to sign the bail book in Qawra, Schembri was arrested on Saturday 20th March over two magisterial inquiries along with his father Alfio, Malcolm Scerri and Robert Zammit.

Scerri was also granted bail against a deposit of €60,000 and a personal guarantee of €90,000, along with Zammit with a bail against a deposit of €40,000 and a personal guarantee of €150,000. Scerri was prohibited from going near coasts, airports and airfields.


Dr Frank Portelli warns UK variant is spreading among children and youth

Dr Frank Portelli warns UK variant is spreading among children and youth
Apr 5 2021 Share

Doctor Frank Portelli took to Facebook to state that the UK variant B 117 is being spread by children and having effects on young adults as well. He added that he is sorry that he was ignored 3 moths ago back in January and that schools opened up instead only to cause unnecessary deaths. Recent statistics show that 80% of COVID-19 deaths were caused due to the UK variant.

UK variant B 117 being spread by children and affects young adults too. Studies now show . Sorry I was ignored when I…

Posted by Frank Portelli on Sunday, 4 April 2021

On 12th March, Malta saw new measures implemented which resulted the closing down of schools. The new mitigation measures are set to be updated around 11th April but reopening schools has also faced backlash, including by the Malta Union for Teachers.


MUT says reopening schools should not be first measure to be implemented

MUT says reopening schools should not be first measure to be implemented
Apr 5 2021 Share

The Malta Union for Teachers has stated that the re-opening of schools should not be the first measure to be implemented. Stating that they have been following the developments in regards to the health measures in place and which of these will be eased. The MUT has stated that it will not support a decision to reopen schools so early.

L-MUT qed issegwi l-iżviluppi dwar il-miżuri li hemm fis-seħħ u l-informazzjoni dwar ir-rilaxx ta’ miżuri. Il-union…

Posted by Malta Union of Teachers on Monday, 5 April 2021

The Union stated that since as of today, no more than two people from the same household can be outside in the same space, reopening schools will put around 25 students and a teacher in the same classroom for 6 hours. It asked to not put educators, students and families in such a situation.
