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4 inspirational movies to watch when you need a bit of a boost

Jan 18 2021 Share

It’s 2021. We’re still fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Needless to say, times are tough.

We thought we’d share a list of our favourite inspirational movies to give a boost to anyone who might need it or to anyone who might be looking for it. 

  1. August Rush
    If you haven’t seen August Rush, well, you’re missing out! The story revolves around an 11-year-old music prodigy who lives in an orphanage.
    We won’t give too much away! But inspiration definitely lies within this movie
  2. The Pianist 
    The Pianist is a must-watch war movie. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration, you’ll find it in boat-loads watching this movie! It depicts the life of a man who keeps persevering against all odds. As one might assume music plays a central part in this movie.
  3. Interstellar
    Interstellar is a Sci-fi movie about the future of our planet! A team is assembled to go on a mission to find an earth-like planet which can sustain human life. This movie takes you on a ride through space and through time. We won’t spoil any part of the movie, so take our word for it and watch this incredible and inspirational movie.
  4. Walt before Mickey
    We’re sure that the legends precedes the name in this case and if you haven’t heard of this movie, you’ve surely heard of Walt Disney. This movie is a testimony to Disney’s life, his trials, his challenges and his successes.


Malta names 1 out of 10 best places to retire in 2021

Jan 18 2021 Share

In a study carried out by a magazine titled, International Living, Malta was named one of the best countries to retire in, in 2021.

The study took into account various factors, such as; cost of living, housing, healthcare, retiree benefits, visa/residence, fitting in/entertain, development, climate, governance, and opportunity.

Malta ranked 9th in this list of 10 and it was praised for being accepting of all, “cultures, nationalities, races, creeds, and economic statuses.”


All Mater Dei staff expected to be vaccinated by end of February

Jan 18 2021 Share

Today marks the day that 50 Mater Dei Employees (who are front-liners working closely with COVID-19 patients)have been given their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

TVM reported that Walter Busuttil, The Medical Director of Mater Dei said that by, “Wednesday all the staff who are in direct contact with patients will have taken the first dose, with all the Mater Dei staff expected to have taken both doses by the last week of February.”


Gale force winds forecasted for today

Jan 18 2021 Share

The meteorological office has predicted gale force winds for today reaching force 8.

The temperature is also expected to drop to 6 degrees Celcius along with rain showers forecasted during the day.

People are urged to stay safe and be careful of the weather conditions.
