In 1972, four teenage friends from Halifax, England—Marion Bamforth, Sue Morris, Carol Ansbro, and Mary Helliwell—took a photo during a trip to Torquay, Devon.
The picture, taken by a roaming beach photographer, showed the friends walking arm in arm along the promenade. It became a cherished keepsake, symbolising their youthful adventures and marking the start of a lifelong friendship.
In 2024, to celebrate their 70th birthdays, the group decided to recreate the photo at the same location in Torquay.
The idea, suggested by Morris, required the friends to find outfits reminiscent of their 1970s styles, including skirts and bright blouses. Despite initial hesitation about the clothing and weather, they embraced the challenge, preparing for the shoot with creativity and humour.
The recreation took place with help from hotel staff and two other friends who directed the group’s poses.
The resulting photo mirrored the original closely, capturing the same camaraderie. The side-by-side images were later submitted to a local newspaper, gaining attention on social media and inspiring others to reconnect with old friends.
The group credits their enduring friendship to consistent effort and mutual support. They remain in touch through WhatsApp and regular meet ups, continuing to plan new adventures together.