
4 day work week ruled out by Finance Minister…for now

4 day work week ruled out by Finance Minister for now
Oct 5 2021 Share

Addressing the launch of a national employment strategy, Finance Minister Clyde Caruana ruled out the move towards a four day work week ‘at this stage’. Caruana revealed that the government would be willing to discuss the prospect once worker productivity and skillsets improved. As of yet, Malta is not in that situation, said the minister, despite several other countries, including Iceland, Scotland and Spain, trying out the work week model. 

With the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development recently proposing a similar trial for the island, Caruana said that education needed to be improved first. The minister highlighted how in the span of 20 years there had been only marginal improvements in the number of students leaving compulsory education with six O-Levels. 

Caruana also acknowledged that many high-end jobs had been filled by foreigners as the Maltese did not have the skills to take them on. Creating new work opportunities would be ironic if worker’s children did not have the skills required to take them on. Malta has one of the highest rates of early school leavers in the EU, said the Minister. This would make it immensely difficult for Malta to compete in a world where Scandinavian youth spend an average of 21 years in education. 


Photo Source: Clyde Caruana FB, iStock

Twistees go pink for breast cancer awareness month

Twistees go pink for breast cancer awareness month
Oct 5 2021 Share

One of Malta’s favourite snacks, Twistees, has switched up its packaging to a pink colour to raise awareness for Pink October. The month is dedicated to raising awareness on Breast Cancer, and Twistees is now jumping onto the good cause by selling packets with the iconic colour associated with the movement. 

A donation to ‘Action for Breast Cancer Foundation’ is being made by Twistees on sale of the pink packets. 

Twistees is Malta’s iconic branded snack established over 40 years ago, coming in nibbles with a whole range of flavours. As the brand continues to grow through innovative new marketing ideas, their latest move will help raise awareness about a situation which impacts thousands around the globe. 


Photo Source: Twistees Malta

First reading on cannabis reform proposal tabled by reforms minister

First reading on cannabis reform proposal tabled by reforms minister
Oct 5 2021 Share

Posting to Twitter, Reforms Minister Owen Bonnici revealed that he presented the first reading of the cannabis reform proposed by the government. Bonnici stated that this bill will establish a new legal framework governing responsible use of cannabis. ‘This important reform will keep showing [the Maltese government’s] unwavering and determined commitment to continue to be at the forefront of progressive change.’

The White paper is mainly proposing the decriminalisation of cannabis for those in possession of under 7grams or less for personal use. It also proposes that proceedings be seen before the Commissioner of Justice rather than criminal court. The cultivation of up to four plants of cannabis per household is also being proposed, with the Prime Minister also promising the inclusion of a legal course of procurement. The latter has not yet been clarified. 


Photo Source: Owen Bonnici FB

You can actually MAKE MONEY by attending this comedy pilot test show in Malta

Oct 5 2021 Share

As Malta’s events industry begins to take shape after a considerably turbulent period, many organisers across the country are doing their utmost to collaborate and contribute to the scene as it slowly restarts. From concerts to comedy shows, Malta’s events are slowly taking flight and, in an attempt to contribute to the thriving events scene, an important pilot event will be held on October 8 to provide valuable insight on events ahead of the winter season.

The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association (MEIA) together with Festivals Malta, Visit Malta, the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) and the Department of Health are are holding an important research project in the form of a comedy show featuring beloved Maltese performers DANUSAN, Comedy Knights and Bla Kondixin. Attendees must undergo a COVID-19 PCR test following the event (as per the pre-defined protocols) and will receive €40 in government vouchers as a token of their contribution.

The pilot event will have zero restrictions, no distance between seats, no masks and drinks and food at the bar during the interval and will hopefully pave the way for a brighter, more relaxed events scene in Malta.

You can register and find out more by visiting this link.

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