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32 Persons Found Living In Malta Irregularly Arrested

32 Persons Found Living In Malta Irregularly Arrested
Jul 29 2024 Share

Investigations and surveillance carried out by the Malta Police Force led to the arrest of 21 persons in St Paul’s Bay and Qawra after they were found to be living in the country irregularly

The investigations led to the total arrest of 32 persons in the previous days after they worked or resided in the country irregularly.

All persons found to be living irregularly in the country are taken to the detention centre and are kept there  before they are repatriated to their original countries or a country they have permission to live in.

The work carried out is coordinated between the Police Corp along with other entities concerned with immigration, work and the Detention Agency Service.


No One Injured After AFM Helicopter Take-Off Incident

No One Injured After AFM Helicopter Take-Off Incident
Jul 29 2024 Share

The Armed Forces of Malta released a statement explaining that no one was injured during an incident concerning a helicopter take off.

At around 9:00 am yesterday, Sunday 28th July 2024, an Alouette AS9211 helicopter experienced an incident during takeoff preparations with damage sustained to the control surfaces, the statement revealed.

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‘No injuries were reported among the aircrew. An investigation has been launched to determine the causes leading to this incident.’


Maltese Fan At Olympics Meets Ariana Grande

Maltese Fan At Olympics Meets Ariana Grande
Jul 29 2024 Share

Taking to his social media story, Miguel Azzopardi, a Maltese fan of the Olympics who joined the Maltese Olympic Committee contingent, shared a photo with world renowned singer Ariana Grande after meeting her in Paris for the games.

The singer was one of many big celebrities who joined the games, not just for the opening but for the first few days.

Among them were Celine Dion and Lady Gaga, who both performed during the opening.

Miguel shared an interaction between Grande and Gaga from outside a door as they interacted with attendees of the games.


Locals Witness 6th Turtle Nest Creation In Gozo

Locals Witness 6th Turtle Nest Creation In Gozo
Jul 29 2024 Share

The Environment & Resources Authority (ERA) and Nature Trust Malta confirmed the sixth turtle nesting site of this season after it was spotted at Ramla L-Ħamra (Gozo).

The turtle was seen coming ashore just after 8pm on the 28th July 2024.

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ERA officers convened on site and together with Nature Trust Malta cordoned off the area to ensure protection for the nest.

‘ERA will continue supporting NTM in order to ensure the protection of the nest. An emergency Conservation Order will be also issued.’

‘The general public is reminded that it is essential that if a turtle is spotted during a nesting attempt, no interactions with the turtle are to be made. The public is encouraged to act responsibly as excessive noise, trampling and light close to the nesting area may pose a threat to turtle eggs and any hatchlings.’

The public is encouraged to immediately report observations of turtle activity on 2292 3500 or through the customer care system or directly to Nature Trust Malta on 9999 9505.

Volunteers are also required during the nesting period so as to help with monitoring and other tasks related to this turtle nest.
