3 philosophical puzzles to wreck your mind upon

3 philosophical puzzles to wreck your mind upon
Nov 6 2021 Share

Philosophers throughout history have come up with thought experiments to test their wit, logical thinking skills and even the very foundation of how they know anything at all. These following puzzles are meant to illustrate just how complicated things like ethics, morality, and basic knowledge can be. 

Imagine you are looking over a hill and you see a creature which looks like a sheep. You form the belief and say ‘There is a sheep in the field’. It turns out that the object you see is actually a very fluffy dog, but by coincidence, there actually happens to be a sheep further away. Are you correct or are you wrong?

This is called a Gettier case, and it operates to ask ‘how do we know anything at all? For most of philosophical history, knowledge was defined as ‘justified true belief’ – you were justified in your belief of there being a sheep and it was ’true’ that a sheep happened to be across the field. And yet, you weren’t stating this about a sheep, but a dog. So are you right or wrong?

Suppose there was a ship owner who knew that his vessel was old and hasn’t been inspected in a very long time. Now this ship has been scheduled to make a transatlantic voyage and the owner worries it might not make it. However, since fixing the ship would take a lot of work, he convinces himself to go ahead with the voyage. 

Many would agree that if the ship sank, the owner would have been guilty of killing the entire crew. However, the philosopher who came up with this idea, W.K. Clifford, said that he would have been guilty even if the ship made it safely. This is because he was guilty of accepting a belief without sufficient evidence, whether it lead to good or bad outcomes. What do you think?

Imagine a young man who is at a crossroads in his life – he could join the military during a war or stay at home and care for his elderly mother. He wanted to do both – fighting for his country, he would be a small part in a big cause. Helping his lonesome mother would make him a big part in a small cause. Which should the man undertake when faced with such options?

This is a question posed by existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Satrtre. As an existentialist, the point to this question is that there is no answer. Whatever the man chooses, that is what matters. No moral philosophy would help him decide because no one else’s advice would make his decision ‘authentic’. 

These philosophical questions aren’t easy to chew – they have been the source of much debate over the years. Some will claim to have figured them out, whilst others leave them open to more interpretation. You can even create your own Gettier cases for example or relate them immediately to your own life. Or they can just be something you can debate over next time your friends are over. 


How did Dogs and Cats become cultural enemies?

How did Dogs and Cats become cultural enemies?
Nov 6 2021 Share

One of the biggest ideas that has been passed down through the ages but somehow goes unquestioned is the idea that cats and dogs are sworn enemies. Through everyday phrases or cartoons, we often find the opposite to be true when we host both species as our beloved pets at home. Sure the adjustment period is rocky, but why this massive age-old rivalry?

Is there any truth to this perceived conflict or is it just a myth? To start off, common experience debunks the idea that the two species are locked in some war for human affection or just an inter-species battleground. It all has to do with communication and instinct. 

Dogs, which were gradually domesticated over hundreds of years after being master hunters, take interest in other furry creatures darting away from them. Their instinct is to chase and so we have the first inkling as to why the canines chase the felines. However, growing up together, the two animals will get used to each other’s behaviour.

A cat silently making its way alongside the house wall is no longer perceived as prey by a dog. At best, a little over-enthusiastic greeting will be given which, as cats are prone to do, will be denied by the cat. But they can, and do, interact longer together – sometimes sharing beds together and cuddles too. 

We have to keep in mind that these are two completely different species. Both have interactive methods which differ drastically – dogs sniff each other’s behinds whereas cats avoid this. But of course, this is the biological and behavioural explanation. Culture tends to get in the way and twists the perception.

Being two animals domesticated and raised very close to human society, it is very easily to notice these animals interacting in odd ways when in contact. We rarely, for example, point to two opposing people and say that they fight like an zebra and a buffalo. These animals are not in our proximity most of the time.

And yet, inter-species conflict is immensely common. We as humans ourselves separated ourselves from other species. But we don’t have an opposite, do we? There is a whole ecosystem of species – it’s not as dual as we like to think. But since cats and dogs are so close to us, it’s far easier, and quite frankly entertaining, to project this conflict onto them.

So keep this in mind every time you watch an episode of Tom & Jerry. Our perceptions of the natural world has given it a cultural spin – we’ve constructed a conflict that is either non-existent or, most probably, far more complicated than just ‘cats versus dogs.’ 


Astroworld concert crowd crush leaves at least 8 dead

As an Astroworld concert in the southern US state of Texas played on, at least eight people have been reported dead due to a crowd crush.
Nov 6 2021 Share

As an Astroworld concert in the southern US state of Texas played on, at least eight people have been reported dead due to a crowd crush. With several other individuals injured, Houston fire chief Samuel Pena stated that the incident began at around 9pm when the crowd compressed towards the front of the stage. Causing a panic, people started to fall out, becoming unconscious and adding further panic. 


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At least eight fatalities were confirmed, with scores of individuals injured. The cause of death cannot be confirmed until after medical exams are completed. With 11 out of 17 people transported to hospital in cardiac arrest, around 50,000 people were in the crowd at rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival. 

The music festival is created by the 29-year-old rapper and was launched in 2018. Social media blew up with footage and posts about the horrid incident, with clips showing people dancing on emergency vehicles as they attempted to respond to attendees who were being crushed by the crowd. With the second day of the festival being cancelled in the wake of the events, the singer reportedly also stopped his performance several times after seeing fans in distress. 


Priest who called PN candidate ‘Hitler’ removes post and account

Priest who called PN candidate ‘Hitler’ removes post and account
Nov 6 2021 Share

Fr Andrew Borg, who described pro-choice PN election candidate Emma Portelli Bonnici as a satanist, murderer, butcher and ‘Hitler’, removed both his post and his account following the online ruckus. The post was removed after the Curia recommended it be done, with the priest going the extra step of disabling his entire account, newsroom Times of Malta reported. He did so however right after condemning abortion and the journalists and politicians who entertain the idea of a debate on the subject. 

Borg, who serves in a Hamrun church, posted the original comment on a Facebook post called ‘Abortion in Malta? Not in my Name’. The post he replied on wrongly attributed a call to debate abortion to Portelli Bonnici, despite it being made by PN health spokesman Stephen Spiteri during a press conference Portelli Bonnici was part of. 

Before the account deletion, Borg stated that ‘animal torture and killing is rightly so considered a criminal offensive act while defending the unborn is not! Truly either we should prepare ourselves for martyrdom or else there is no more room for us Christians within a Maltese liberal relativist dictatorship society today which shuts up freedom of speech and expression or limits it only to politicians and media journalists.’ 

He went on to claim that he would much rather invalidate his vote than give it to either party in the upcoming election. From her part, Portelli Bonnici posted screenshots of some of the insulting comments. She called for an end to the systematic abuse of women and witch hunts, and that, despite having no problem with people disagreeing with her, she would not accept harassment. As of time of writing, Borg did not reply to any attempts made by newsroom Times of Malta to comment on the incident. 
