
283 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 338 recoveries

Mar 11 2021 Share

Malta has registered 283 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 4,746 swab tests, while 338 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Thursday 11th March 2021, 108,971 vaccine doses were administered of which 36,246 were 2nd doses.

To date, Malta has registered 25,640 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 22,176 have recovered, 341 died and 3,123 are still active.


Donald Trump wants credit for COVID-19 vaccine

Mar 11 2021 Share

With Donald Trump being banned off Twitter, the former President of the United States decided to send out a statement on a presidential letterhead, claiming that he ‘hopes everybody remembers’ as people get their jabs. Trump seems to be claiming that the possibility of getting a vaccination jab is all due to his efforts in office.

With vaccinations seemingly being administered at a faster rate since Joe Biden’s administration took office, the now president Biden claims no plan was left on how to distribute the vaccine. Biden lambasted Trump last month as he pointed out that Trump did not ‘do his job’ in getting ready for the ‘massive challenge’. So far, a little more than 18% of Americans have been vaccinated.


Robert Abela insists science guided COVID-19 restrictions decisions

Mar 11 2021 Share

In an urgent parliamentary debate on the pandemic emergency, as COVID-19 cases hit the 500 mark in the past 24 hours, Abela stated that measures were taken according to what was happening and that science was guiding what was the best interest for the public. He added that the ‘economic wheel needs to continue’ as purchasing personal protective equipment and other gear was ‘like a pirate battle’.

Abela admitted that the COVID-19 variant complicated the pandemic situation as being more easily transmitted. Despite this, the vaccine efforts were highlighted as doing their intended job especially in the elderly age group.


Maltese MEPS leading push for LGBTIQ+ ‘freedom zone’ EU

Mar 11 2021 Share

MEPS, including Roberta Metsola and Cyrus Engerer, have taken centre stage in the push to make EU an LGBTI ‘freedom zone’ as they push against scapegoating of the community.


Metsola pushed the debate forward in the European Parliament by directing her message at ‘abusers both off and online’ that a safe haven for them is not to be found in the EU. She highlighted her alliance position with the LGBTIQ community.

LGBTIQ Freedom zone

"Today we are here to tell all those in the LGBTIQ community that this is your Europe too. That they do not need to 'adjust to injustice'. To tell all those parents worried about the safety of their #LGBTIQ children, that we have their back. To tell the abusers – both off & online – that they will not find safe haven. " 💪💙 🌈- My speech to the European Parliament as we declare the EU to be a #LGBTIQFreedomZone

Posted by Roberta Metsola on Thursday, 11 March 2021

Engerer made his stance clear by stating that what was achieved in Malta in regards to the LGBTIQ community, he wishes to bring to Europe. He openly confronted the Hungarian Fidesz before taking to Twitter to announce that ‘no one will take us back into the closet. We will not be invisible again.’

Diskors Plenarja – LGBTIQ Freedom Zone

Kull persuna fl-Unjoni Ewropea, għandha jkollha ċ-ċans li tgħix ħajjita kif tixtieq hi, b'drittijiet indaqs irrispettivament mill-identità tagħha. Fuq kollox, dak huwa l-veru sinifikat tal-proġett Ewropew 🇪🇺. Dan kien il-qofol tad-diskors tiegħi lbieraħ fil-Parlament Ewropew. Segwi dak li kelli xi ngħid f'dan il-clip 👇

Posted by Cyrus Engerer on Thursday, 11 March 2021
