
233 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 162 recoveries

67 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 323 recoveries
Mar 3 2021 Share

Malta has registered 233 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,654 swab tests, while 162 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Tuesday 2nd March 2021, 84,129 vaccine doses were administered of which 29,748 were 2nd doses.

To date, Malta has registered 23,226 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 19,905 have recovered, 321 died and 3,000 are still active.


New COVID-19 measures may include higher fines

Mar 3 2021 Share

After discussions with healthcare workers, Chris Fearne has claimed that new measures may be implemented in the coming days. The new measures, as announced during a parliamentary address, may include higher fines for those found breaching restrictions. Discipline, according to the Health Minister, is of utmost importance, with the government making sure that all measures are being followed due to the significant spike in COVID-19 cases.

The vaccine will be the government’s form of mitigating the virus spread as front-liners are receiving the Astrazeneca vaccine, and half of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reserved with each consignment. Fearne also defended the contact-tracing teams and highlighted the support necessary for the health authorities in these trying times.


Developer proposes five-storey building overlooking Ggantija

Mar 3 2021 Share

Gozo’s Ggantija temples, one of the world’s oldest man-made structures, seems to be getting an overlooking neighbour in the form of a five-storey development. 31 apartments across four floors, a penthouse on the top level and 20 garage spaces are set to be built along Triq il-Parsott in Xaghra.

Objections have flooded in, pointing out that the architectural context of the area would be an ‘eyesore’ and how construction is overtaking the island. The Superintendent of Cultural Heritage is yet to make a statement. In other related news, Gozo has seen a 240% increase in permits since 2013


Chris Fearne Fearne alleges PN MPs asked him to skip vaccine queues, PN denies

Mar 3 2021 Share

Yesterday in Parliament, Health Minister Chris Fearne stated that Nationalist Party MPs tried to skip the queue for COVID-19 vaccines after PN leader Bernard Grech alleged that the government was allowing citizens to skip queues.

“Yes there were people who asked me to skip the queue for the vaccine, amongst them some of your own PNs” Fearne said sharply as he answered the PN leader.

On Wednesday, the PN parliamentary group “unanimously and categorically” denied said claims and alleged that the Government was using the pandemic to score political points.


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