23-year-old from Serbian charged over fight at St. Julian’s afterparty

Jan 12 2021 Share

A 23-year-old from Serbia has been charged with grievously injuring 46-year-old Brian Caruana at an afterparty at a St. Julian’s flat on Sunday.

Damir Milosavljevic, who resides in Iklin, is said to have injured his friend after being attacked with a broken bottle in St. Julian’s following an allegedly drug-ridden open-air party in Birzebbugia.

Milosavljevic pleaded not guilty and was released on a €5000 bail deposit and €5000 personal guarantee.


Uganda regulator orders complete media shutdown 2 days before general election

Jan 12 2021 Share

The Ugandan telecommunications regulator has just ordered a shutdown of social media media applications two days before the general election.

In what have been reported as “nasty and aggressive” calls to telecommunications companies, the move has been described as retaliation for Facebook removing pro-government accounts for manipulation of public debate prior to the election.

Blocked applications include Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and more with some of which already being offline since Tuesday.


Nadur council warns against carnival gatherings

Jan 12 2021 Share

Following the cancellation of carnival activities with the Gozitan village to follow suit, the Nadur council has warned against group gatherings and advised that it will report such activities to the police.

The spontaneous Nadur carnival is a yearly tradition that has been gaining popularity throughout the years where thousands of revellers would visit Gozo for a weekend of socialising and events.

The council has also advised that it will not grant any permits for any kind of mass activities and stated that “this is a time in which we should be extra vigilant”, with hopes for a return in next year’s carnival.


5 million Chinese citizens placed under lockdown to contain virus cluster

Jan 12 2021 Share

A city in China has been placed under lockdown, sealing off close to five million citizens to contain a number of COVID-19 clusters reported to be close to Beijing.

The country had been close to recovery from the virus, with cities such as Wuhan putting on massive music festivals in recent months but the Hebei province has reported 560 new cases in the past weeks with 234 being asymptomatic, leading to the city’s lockdown, travel restrictions and a number of other measures.

The Langfang city government has appealed to citizens to cancel family gatherings and postpone weddings and funerals to curb any further spread of the virus.


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