22 people found living illegally in Malta to be sent back pending investigation

Feb 1 2023 Share

22 people have been found living illegally in Malta after inspections conducted early today, 1st February, in Marsa & Qormi.

Inspections conducted by the Malta Police Force and Detention Services found people of various nationalities including Ghana, Gambia, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Eritrea, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

The individuals were taken to the Malta Police Force General Headquarters in Floriana to begin their repatriation process.

Investigations are currently under way.


Cocaine, heroin & all other hard drugs decriminalised in Vancouver, Canada

Cocaine, heroin & all other hard drugs decriminalised in Vancouver, Canada
Feb 1 2023 Share

A Canadian province has decriminalised the possession of small amounts of cocaine, heroin, fentanyl and other hard drugs, attempting to radically shift drug policy amid an opioid overdose crisis killing thousands in Canada.

Decriminalisation has the potential to reduce overdose deaths, decrease the burden on the criminal justice system and increase access to treatment and support services for people who use drugs.

Currently, people who use drugs are often criminalised and incarcerated, which does little to address the root causes of their drug use and can actually make their situation worse. Decriminalisation would allow people to access the support and treatment they need without the fear of being arrested or incarcerated.

“the situation has never been more urgent”.

Following the decision, which was taken last Tuesday, Canadian Addictions Minister Carolyn Bennett addressed a news conference highlighting how “the situation has never been more urgent”.

“The effects of this public health crisis have devastated communities across British Columbia and across Canada,” Bennett stated, with the figure for nationwide fatalities surpassing 30,000.

Despite these potential benefits, the decriminalisation of hard drugs remains a controversial issue and is opposed by some who argue that it would send the wrong message and increase drug use.

However, there is evidence from countries like Portugal, which have already decriminalised drug use, that shows that this is not the case. In fact, Portugal has seen a decrease in drug use and an increase in access to treatment since the decriminalisation of all drugs in 2001.


In Gozo: Teacher assaulted by a student and fractured hand

Feb 1 2023 Share

Today, the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) had an urgent meeting with Education Minister Clifton Grima to discuss the case of aggression on an educator, that happened yesterday in Gozo.

The Ministry informed MUT that it will be setting up a committee to establish the facts in relation to this case. 

On the other hand the MUT insisted that the educator who got attacked, gets all the support required.

In a press statement, MUT explained that it proposed the setting up of a review board that will analyse the difficult situations that the educators are facing.

According to the teacher’s union, this should lead to necessary recommendations to improve the situation. Minister Clifton Grima accepted this request.

The case of aggression happened yesterday 31 January in a school in Gozo. The teacher was assaulted by a student and fractured a hand. This injury could also lead to permanent disability.

The case has been reported, and Police are investigating.


The Sims introduces trans-inclusive characters with top surgery scars & chest binders

The Sims introduces trans-inclusive characters with top surgery scars & chest binders
Feb 1 2023 Share

Cementing itself as a cultural phenomenon since its inception in the year 2000, The Sims continues to lay down its legacy in 2023 as it is set to introduce trans-inclusive characters. This move towards inclusion and representation in the gaming industry has been met with praise from the LGBTQ+ community and allies.

Top surgery, also known as gender confirmation surgery or chest masculinisation surgery, is a medical procedure that helps transgender men achieve a chest appearance that aligns with their gender identity. Chest binders, which are tight-fitting undergarments, are often used to flatten the chest and create a more masculine appearance for those who have not undergone surgery.

The Sims’ commitment to diversity and inclusiveness extends beyond its character customisation options. The game also features same-sex relationships and allows players to create families with same-sex parents. This not only shows support for the LGBTQ+ community, but also helps to normalise and celebrate diverse forms of love and family.

While The Sims’ inclusion of trans-inclusive characters is a step in the right direction, there is still much work to be done in the gaming industry to ensure that all players feel represented and valued. However, the inclusion of top surgery scars and chest binders in The Sims sends a message of hope and acceptance to the LGBTQ+ community, and serves as a model for other games to follow.
